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You'll need to make a property for the NPC alias on the stage fragment. After that, the line you last posted should do the trick. Though GetReference() as Actor is faster than GetActorReference(). This is because GetActorReference calls the other. Might as well skip the middleman as it were.


Papyrus is an object oriented language and is separate from the game engine. As such it has no knowledge of an form ids or reference ids that might be loaded by the game. It can only work with the information that it is given. Thus forms and references need to be assigned to properties for Papyrus to be able to work with them.


The following may be a helpful read if you are still trying to make the switch from Morrowind / Oblivion scripting to Skyrim scripting


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Nice, thanks for the answer. :cake: I'll let you know if I can make it work.


I got that line of script from one of Bethesda's own quests, but I also notice the alias was used not for a physical NPC, but for a Leveled Actor, which appears as an M in the Render window.


So I am going to (try to) make the Alias have its own Property, and then try typing Alias_aaaNPCAliasName.GetReference() as Actor.kill()


Edit: You certainly have a lot of mods, IsharaMeradin. Goodness.

Edited by xenaclone
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Getting back to ya here. Nothing works. :sad: I added the NPC into a property so now he's got a Property AND an Alias. I used that original line of code .. Alias_aaaNPCAliasName.GetActorReference().kill() and it compiles okay, but still does not work.


I don't know to arrange GetReference() As Actor without error messages. How does that line of code get arranged with the rest? Alias_aaaNPCAliasName.GetReference() as Actor.Kill() = ERROR. I tried it without any spaces. ERROR. So I think I'm typing it wrong, is what I"m saying.

Edited by xenaclone
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I'm having problems with making a tactical map, like those maps of Skyrim you see in the civil war camps with all the little flags in them. I placed all the flags in the CK and they showed up in game.


Since the map is part of a setup that is enabled during a quest, I attached the map and flags to my enable parent and they enabled just fine and showed up normally.


When I found out that you can't independently enable/disable objects with an enable parent (I want a couple of locations to switch colors after other quests), I removed them from the parent and made sure to enable them separately.


Ever since then, none of the flags become enabled... I managed to fix it temporarily by duplicating all of them and deleting the originals (made sure replace them everywhere they were used), but only the rest of the flags, those under the parent, would enable. And after changing some of the other objects under the same parent, all the flags refuse to enable again.


What's happening here? In fact, I'm playing right now after duplicating them all again, and while at first they were enabled, they later despawned after leaving and coming back.

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Ok, I'm not good at logic or scripting but I just want to make a simple gift giving system for my follower using my own global variables and formlists. After looking up examples and things on the CK website, I was able to kind of cheat my way into finding something that kinda has what I'm looking for. So, I'm trying to put it into a dialogue event in a quest but it wont compile for me. I'm doing it more or less exactly how the example shows with a few changes since i want the items to be a mystery for the player to guess at


Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
FormList Property FoodList Auto
Bool hasBeenFedToday = False
Function FeedCompanion()
	ShowGiftMenu(True, FoodList, False, False)
Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
	If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF
		If !hasBeenFedToday
			hasBeenFedToday = True


aside from referencing my own variables and lists. Maybe I'm trying to do too much in one script or am adding too many functions or formlists to use but it just isn't working. I've racked the site for the parts that are giving the error and how to fix them but it only says You can use a FormList as the item parameter - in this case, the function removes the count for each item in. Which i can only assume I've done at the begnning of the script Either no one has this issue or has tried to make a customer relationship system for their followers before. I'd like to make my own code to an extent and not scalp off of others mods but idk. It keeps saying RemoveItem is not a function or does not exist. Do I need to put define in a function somewhere? Isn't it already defined earlier on in Form ak Baseitem or ObjRef ItemRef?



ScriptName Dan_GiveGifts Extends Quest
Bool GiftGivenToday = False

FormList Property Dan_HatedGifts Auto
FormList Property Dan_LikedGifts Auto
FormList Property Dan_DislikedGifts Auto
FormList Property Dan_LovedGifts Auto
GlobalVariable Property Dan_RelPoints Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

bool Function HasForm(Form akForm) native

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
If Dan_LikedGifts.HasForm(akBaseItem) ;only work with items on our list
If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF
Dan_LikedGifts.RemoveItem(akBaseItem,aiItemCount) ;he likes it so he'll keep it
If !GiftGivenToday == False
GiftGivenToday = True
If Dan_LovedGifts.HasForm(akBaseItem) ;only work with items on our list
If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF
RemoveItem(akBaseItem,aiItemCount) ;he likes it so he'll keep it
If !GiftGivenToday == False
GiftGivenToday = True
If Dan_DislikedGifts.HasForm(akBaseItem) ;only work with items on our list
RemoveItem(akBaseItem,aiItemCount) ;HOW he hates it so he'll drop/delete it?
If !GiftGivenToday == False
GiftGivenToday = True


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