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Can't find my wife!


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I married a girl, had the wedding. She came all the way to Riften from Markath (sp?) and brought her boss. After the wedding, she just disappeared. I went to Markath and I couldn't find her anywhere. Did she die on the way home? She's no where to be found. In her boss's shop, I find a bed that I can sleep in, and I'm allowed to take anything I want from the shop (rather odd), but she never turns up for work anymore, never sleep there.


I bought a house, furnished it fully, and she doesn't turn up there either.


Where is she? :(

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It would probably help if you told us who she is... but there's a bug where if you don't talk to them after the wedding to say where you want to live and they just walk out of the building while you still have the dialog with the priest or some other npc going, they'll disappear.
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Darn, it must be that bug. I turned around after the wedding and she was gone.


It's Muira, or however it's spelled. Muiri? Miuri? Miura? She works at The Hag's Cure in Markath.


WELL SHE DID, until I married her and she was erased from existence! She was kind of a psycho anyway, but so is my character.


Is there any way to get her back?

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