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June Patch!


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Now this...


-- Updates to allow Steam Workshop DLC to be enumerated before native script packages are loaded. Will allow mods that override XComGame.upk to work through Steam Workshop


I very-really-absolutely like.


Here's the run-down... https://xcom.com/news/en-xcom-2-june-2016-patch



Edited by Zyxpsilon
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I'll have to do a bunch of mod updating today and tomorrow to get things working, but allowing the XComGame.upk to be replaceable is very nice! I'll definitely take advantage of this as soon as I am able. I'm a bit curious if this also works with Core.upk or other base packages (as I currently make a small modification to that package in order to do some logging stuff, so I can always do without it).


It's also interesting to see that they deprecated X2AbilityMultiTarget_SoldierBonusRadius and the Cone, Cylinder, and Line versions so that they can allow for extending radius in a generic fashion. Curious if this allows for more than a single soldier "ability" or not, so this might make my own modifications obsolete.


Fixing proximity mines not blowing up properly is nice, though too late for my current campaign. Makes the item usable once again.

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Is anyone else having all these fun issues with XCOM Modbuddy after the update? I can't run direct debug game as after the launcher I get steam error "Application load error v: 000000065432" or when I try to open XCOM 2 Editor it loads a bit with the splash screen and then just closes?


I've seen some reports of both issues before the patch as well so I guess maybe it was just my turn to have all this fun...

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The XCom2 Editor loaded up just fine when i went to check out the library contents for updated assets earlier. I have yet to try compiling my latest LAByrinth project (and some others) with it though.


I think that new Health bar should give some troubles to you & others with the usual gfxSquadLoadout phase.. although my qUIck_FLO (adding flags to the panels) proved to be alright.

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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i am getting this error when trying to build my predatormod now

Launching script compiler for base game scripts...

Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\binaries\Win64\XComGame.com Arguments: make -nopause -unattended
Log: Executing Class UnrealEd.MakeCommandlet
--------------------Core - Release--------------------
Scripts successfully compiled - saving package 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Script\Core.u'
--------------------Engine - Release--------------------
Error, Unable to create object of type 'SeqAct_Interp': native class layout differs from script layout. Please build C++ before continuing to avoid data corruption.
Compile aborted due to errors.

Warning/Error Summary
Error, Unable to create object of type 'SeqAct_Interp': native class layout differs from script layout. Please build C++ before continuing to avoid data corruption.

Failure - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (1 Unique Errors, 0 Unique Warnings)

Execution of commandlet took: 63.45 seconds

Launching script compiler for new package scripts...

Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\binaries\Win64\XComGame.com Arguments: make -nopause -mods PredatorOutfits "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2 SDK\XComGame\\Mods\PredatorOutfits\"
Log: Executing Class UnrealEd.MakeCommandlet
--------------------Core - Release--------------------
--------------------Engine - Release--------------------
Error, Unable to create object of type 'SeqAct_Interp': native class layout differs from script layout. Please build C++ before continuing to avoid data corruption.
Compile aborted due to errors.

Warning/Error Summary
Error, Unable to create object of type 'SeqAct_Interp': native class layout differs from script layout. Please build C++ before continuing to avoid data corruption.

Failure - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (1 Unique Errors, 0 Unique Warnings)

Execution of commandlet took: 39.97 seconds
Done building project "PredatorOutfits.x2proj" -- FAILED.

========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========




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Big buggy issue..


My first Terror Mission ended abruptly while Firebrand was caught in a loop of warnings with Bradford.

All five operatives were shown as "Captured" but the mission itself wasn't really completed.


If this is caused by a newly re-installed mod -- dunno which exactly.


Soooo - i have to presume the "scripted mechanics" got borked up somehow. I've already tried re-loading from scratch a number of times -- No luck!!


:sick: :sad:


EDIT; Same thing just happened in a Supply-Raid mission... this looks more & more like a corrupted Save-File process to me.


EDIT2; And now, the flaw is spreading onto other Missions like "Protect-Device" too. Retaliation can sometime get a "Reinforcements" popup in the top-left corner... while the whole screen is stuttering heavily. This has to be an Auto-Saving corruption -- upon reloading, all hell breaks loose! Someone must hate Save-Scumming at Firaxis Q/A to let such very bad code slip by.


FINAL-EDIT; Turns out.. it was all my fault all along. While i was trying to re-activate anything from my Mods list -- something corrupted the saves-chain (possibly through loading a Tactical save right after activating stuff). I scrapped the current first SG games and started completely fresh. No more flaws! Silly me. Soooo -- this weird adventure is now over, for the best.. i can finally inspect that ModBuddy reported "errors" for myself. Maybe i'll find what's wrong for everyone. ;)

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Well.. i can already access any GFX resources from SG only through the usual UILIbrary_DLC3Images_SF.upk archive. I suspect the compiled U script must be in the XComGame folders structure as well.. hold on for a minute .. .. .. Yep, it's there too along with Config.INI(s) & the whole localization system -- as expected.


UC sources are a different issue (that's true).. but give us a few more days & weeks and i'm sure someone will start juggling with that stuff soon enough. :smile:


Overrides have been tamed, AFAIC.

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MedKits ability Icons aren't showing up in the bottom bar?!?

Anyone has that weird flaw?


EDIT; I must have been confused by the SG Update as these weren't really shown before when Gremlins have Medical-Protocol.. but only if the specialists opt for Combat-Protocol while carrying such MedKits. It's a weird feeling nevertheless. :ninja:

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