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Weird and Obscure Oblivion mods


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So I'm kinda bored, and curious. Are there any really obscure oblivion or little known oblivion mods out there? Also weird mods too. If you guys have any thoughts or find anything just post it here or something. But please no NSFW stuff or sexual stuff please. I'm just really bored and wanna talk about something intriguing.

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There's a lot of gems on those Japanese modding blogs.




Optimized Adoring Fan (makes him a floating head, lol)

Duke City (modern city)

eXtra Creature Variety (adds a bunch of monsters, some of them are really silly/weird others are nightmare fuel)

FLY Creatures (like above, adds a bunch of scary, weird, and funny monsters)

Snus' Dungeons (overhauls dungeons but also adds shout outs to other Bethsda games),

Kragenirs Death Quest (adds quests, some silly)

Hilarity (can do things with silly oblivion engine using spells)

Inappropriate Sexual Comments (leaves only the funny skill comments of 'look at the muscles on you' sort)



There used to be a mod that gave you Heavy's voice from TF2, not sure what happened to it. There's also a mod that adds a killer snowman, it was featured on Mr.Mochi youtube but the name escapes me and google.

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Horadric Cube



Stealth Wars



Dragon Captions - The Elder Council



Sorcerous Oblivion - Ultimecia Edea FFVIII Expansion (this one in particular is odd)



Romuska Fantasy Store



Super Marioblivion



Ardah a desert dream



Mystery of Mausoleum



The TinyQuest series.


TinyQuest - Sugar High



TinyQuest - Bear Hunt



TinyQuest - Blood and Gold



TinyQuest - The Inventrix



TinyQuest - Love Letters


Edited by ArcturusFyr
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