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MGE Start up


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Okay, I keep getting this error when i start up MGEgui. I haven't been able to change any setting in it yet, because it will ask me to select which dx version, and of course there are 3 of dx8, and 3 of dx9, and I chose dx9 full, but it keeps giving me this error:




System.BadImageFormatException: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)

at MGEgui.Imports.GetDLLVersion(Stringfile)

at MGEgui.DLLSelector.bSelect_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)




And it says that with all of the choices I try to select, even when I got to click on version info, it says the same damn thing. I've been on at least 4 different forums trying to find this, and google wasn't giving me anything either. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I will give you imaginary cookies and milk.


Also the game works fine without it, but I would love to see some higher res textures, especially with my GPU




Also my pc specs:

Phenom x6 1100t 3.3ghz

HD Radeon IceQ Turbo 6850

8gb Ram DDR3 1333mhz

Windows 7 64bit Home

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To Tacleafy


I have played Morrowind AND BOTH expansion packages (actually I use Morrowind GOTY) on the exactly same system you have "mine is Windows 7 64bit though it is professional rather that Home". That being said, it should still play OK on your layout. Have any weird installs such as MGE or similar; as these can cause the game to act up in unpredictable ways?

Edited by Themisive
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To Tacleafy


I have played Morrowind AND BOTH expansion packages (actually I use Morrowind GOTY) on the exactly same system you have "mine is Windows 7 64bit though it is professional rather that Home". That being said, it should still play OK on your layout. Have any weird installs such as MGE or similar; as these can cause the game to act up in unpredictable ways?



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I didn't have the same bug as you, but running both Morrowind and MGE as an administrator solved my troubles. IDK if that'll help, I'm just putting it out there in case it works. It's easy to test at least.
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