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Need ideas for Raider Groups/Clans


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Hello. I like the idea of expanding and giving some depth to more gangs. Before I post my ideas for a new clan/gang I would like to say that I would personally love to see a gang....that didn't always shoot first as soon as they spot the Sole Survivor. It is strangely odd that during my two playthroughs of FO4, that only 3 times in the entire game do I find a "raider" type of group that is willing to talk first ---- before the shooting starts. I was greatly disappointed in the 'Gunners' group especially, because whenever people mention them, they call them 'mercenaries' and yet the Gunners never have a single encounter of trying to approach the Sole Survivor and offer their services for a fee. When FO4 first came out, and I started to play I thought that the storyline would develop at some point of having an option for the Sole Survivor to hire the Gunners to fight against the Institute, as extra guns for a big battle. At the very least I thought there might be some good story-telling about needing to intercept a Courser that was going to deliver a payoff to the Leader of the Gunners in exchange for having that group cause some chaos in some part of the Commonwealth. Anyway, It would be good to see a gang that does more than just shoot on sight ALL the time. Maybe have a gang that offers a chance for the player to "pay their dues" like a fee of maybe 1000 caps, and then the Sole Survivor can cross that Gangs territory and not be considered as a hostile (Unless the Sole Survivor shoots first), then have the payoff option show up AGAIN each time a new in-game calendar year shows up, with the Gang Leader calling it an..."annual fee". Enough said on that, here are my gang ideas, one based on a sports concept, the other based on high finance. LOL


Gang Name: The Celts, or the Celtics. (Themed around the sports franchise the Boston Celtics - merged with mixed-up lore of savage European Celts, from remnants of books in the same fashion as Moe Cronin of Diamond City has mangled the legend of what baseball is supposed to be and its history.)


Rank Structure: Gang Leader called the Coach. Second in Command: Point Guard

Scouting Parties called 'Three Point Shooters' (obviously they travel in groups of three)


Armor Type: Typical raider armor worn over a Boston Celtics style jersey and shorts, i.e. a basketball players uniform. Facepaints and facial tattoos to mimic the celtic tribes of ancient lore.


Weapons: They would specialise in throwing items, so lots of grenade spamming, which would give them a bit of an identity and a rep for being annoying and dangerous as they spam-toss grenades a lot. (Maybe even a variation on the baseball grenade could be made, sort of a basketball grenade that does twice the damage of the baseball grenade), Other ranged weapons might be good as well, with an emphasis on thrown items (not an option really with FO4), but overall any gun would do as a sidearm.


Location: Near any in-game location with a flat area large enough to put up a basketball hoop.


Prime Motivation/Goals: Protect their turf is primary. Revenge against any that do them wrong (Away Games).


Favorite Quotes/ Battecrys: "Put me in Coach, I can take 'em" .... "I got the shot, I GOT the shot" ..... "YOU MADE A MISTAKE COMING TO THE CELTICS COURT M%#$@$&BLEEPER!" ....


Gang Name: 'Moneymakers', or maybe the 'Accountants', the 'Beancounters' also has a nice ring to it and ties in with Boston area and Beans.


Rank Structure: Leader --The Mogul, Second in Command --- Mister Tally, Battle Leaders/Lieutenants: Mister Fix-It, and 'The Accountant', rank and file members referred to as 'Insurance Agents'


Armor Type: The suspenders and slacks, or the outfit with the black vest preffered, wearing the faded visor or fedora as headgear, along with leather armor overlays. Pin stripe suit and formal hat for The Mogul.


Weapons: A focus on concealable sidearms, pistols, rippers, switchblades, smg's for heavier combat. A power fist for Mister Fix-It.


Location: Anyplace that can be fixed up to look high society.


Prime Motivation/Goals: Expanding their Influence, Extortion, Kidnapping, amassing large amounts of caps AND nuka cola machines ( the source of all caps). I had this gang in mind when I spoke of a group that would try to extort a fee to allow the Sole Survivor to pass through their turf without problem, for a yearly fee. They might also show up at any settlements near their base of operations, wanting the inhabitants to "sign a lease agreement". Their Boss, the Mogul thinks that at some point a government will happen in the Commonwealth and He wants his gang to have a legalese claim to as much land as he can get, so by getting everyone to sign a lease agreement, it then gives him a claim of ownership if a government does arise. I see the Mogul as being sort of the anti-Nick Valentine, Nick finds people, the Mogul makes them disappear...with cement shoes.


Favorite Quotes/ Battlecrys: "You got the caps, we got the time." .... "Lookee here, another sucker, delinquent on his insurance" ..... "You shouldna oughta done that" ..... "Time to FORECLOSE on YOUSE!"



*grin* I hope the ideas are well received.

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This idea is one requiring 3d model work (I'm working on a mod resource that would solve that issue, but this has been an off-and-on side project).


The Mad Marionettes


Basically a group of escaped Synths who have enhanced and/or fixed themselves up with salvaged robot parts as a replacement for cybernetics.


I haven't put much thought into them beyond that, but if I had to guess about locations I'd say they would run trade with Acadia and set up small camps throughout Far Harbor, and to a lesser degree, the rest of the Commonwealth.

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1.Broken Minutemen

2.Simply the normal raider names but change "raider" to "broken minuteman"

3.Minutemen hats and suit mixed up with raider and leather armor

4.Laser Muskets and some normal raider weapons (mostly laser muskets)


6.Like my previous idea of the norwegian ship, this is already part of the game lore, From the Fallout Wiki:
After the Quincy Massacre and the dissolution of the original Commonwealth Minutemen, the destroyed dockyard of Libertalia was settled by a group of former Minutemen led by Wire. Initially, he tried to enforce the Minutemen way of helping other settlers in exchange for caps and food, but after a while, their food supplies reached dangerous lows. This resulted in two of Wire's best men raiding caravans. After Wire discovered the actions of his men, he had them executed. Eventually, Wire himself gave into the raider lifestyle after caravans were repeatedly stiffing his men on their escort jobs. After this, Wire seems to begrudgingly accept that he must do what it takes for him and his men to survive, but notes in his last terminal entry that his former leaders would be sickened by his actions and that he no longer feels like making entries.

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1. The Mall Rats / Fashion Police

3. Fashionable sunglasses, dresses, pompadour wigs, and other very mismatched clothing

4. Light arms such as pistols and security batons (anything one might find in a mall security depot)

5. Haymarket Mall

6. Drugged up group of raiders who found a mall to set up in.

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1. The Townies or The Southies

2. Boss named "Whitey Costello" (middle aged male with platinum blonde hair - Based on real life criminal James 'Whitey' Bulger). Townie rat - lowest rank. Townie dog - middle rank. Townie son/daughter - leader rank.

3. Shirt/Jeans outfits and track suits for the Townie rats. Suspenders and slacks for the middling ranks. Armored suits for the higher ranking bosses.

4. Brass knuckles, baseball bats, and Molotov cocktails for the Townie rats. Hand guns and shotguns for the Townie dogs. Sub-machine guns for the Townie sons/daughters. A cool, unique, silenced handgun for the boss(es).

5. Roxbury Station, Shaw High School, and other places around the south and east areas of the Boston city area.

6. My idea is based on various stereotypes that surround the some of the roughest citizens/criminals of Boston portrayed in movies like: "The Departed", "Black Mass", and "The Town". The gang could specialize in the production/selling of "Whitey's Whiskey", a horribly toxic and addictive concoction that would barely even be classified as moonshine. A short quest could be to stop the production of "Whitey's Whiskey" in any way possible. It has contributed to several deaths (including children) in the Commonwealth.

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  • 1 month later...

1. The Union

2. Union Boss, Conductors, Engineers, Track Worker, Brakeman, Signalman

3. Engineer armor, Mechanic Jumpsuit, Hard hats, Welding goggles, Raider Power Armor, Metal Armor

4. Railway Rifles, Sledgehammers, Super Sledgehammers, any more ideas are welcome.

5. Bedford Station

6. if you havent guessed it yet, its a railroad based gang. Cant think of any more lore friendly weapons. too lazy to come up with a proper backstory.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I like Lulixg's idea about a former minutemen themed gang because if there is a traitor like Clint in quincy with some of his former gear, it would be lore friendly that former minutemen like the ones in libertalia are still using some of their gear even their ranks, as far as I know the rank system of the gunner is the same of the minutemen's system(because they are using pre-war america military's ranking system) so it would be applied to the new themed gang just replacing "gunner" for "rogue minutemen" or any other suitable name for them

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Y'know it's funny, last year I was sitting at work on my lunch break one day, and just out of boredom I decided to write down a bunch of different raider gang names just for fun. Other than the very first one, I basically wrote down whatever sounded good off the top of my head without pausing or erasing anything. Here they are:

  • The Ursa Majors (my personal name for the gang that took up residence in the Tech School, because of the bear mascot head)
  • Street Sweepers
  • Hot Rodders
  • Steeldrivers
  • Nailbiters
  • Hotshots
  • The Cragz
  • Coldbloods
  • Bagboys
  • Hellrazors
  • Rot-weilers
  • Wurst Brats
  • Dirtbags
  • Wild Stags
  • Eggbeaters
  • Jawbreakers
  • Broken Jaws
  • Fallout Boys
  • Sixfinger Savages
  • Shoguns
  • Scumdogs
  • Ankle Biters
  • Chillbillies
  • Rust Busters
  • Rust Angels
  • Rust Devils (believe it or not this was before Automatron was even announced)
  • Nasty Girls
  • Hyenas
  • Bloodbags
  • Rat Bastards
  • Sewer Rats
  • Deadcoats
  • Tooth Fairies
  • Grave Diggers
  • Salamanders
  • Rat Pack
  • Ironsiders
  • Metalheads
  • Da Ass Whoopin' Gang

Feel free to use any that catch your eyes.

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  • 3 weeks later...


The Exiled or Deserters, etc. (A group of BOS deserters who appear after the BOS's arrival initial arrival into the Commonwealth or after the completeion of the quest: "Reunions")



Lead by Knight Captain Griffin and Scribe Elliott

Other ranks are the same to that of the BOS, however consists only of lower ranks aswell as with the 'Exiled' or 'Deserter' titles, eg. "Deserter Aspirant", "Exiled Knight" or "Exiled Scribe".



Armour - The armour which is used will generally conist of generic BOS armours, such as: Variants of BOS Fatigues, Bomber Jacket, BOS Combat Armour, Engineer's Armour, BOS Uniform and BOS Power Armour for the higher ranks. (Raider armours and Raider Power armours could be mismatched with the BOS armours.)

Weapons - Weapons used will be generic BOS weapons such as: Combat Rifles, Laser Rifles, Gatling Lasers, Combat Shotguns ans some Plasma weapons.



I don't exactly know where you could put them however pre-war military bases or "compound like" or fortifyable areas such as Fishpacking Plants would generally be ideal locations for them.



The Exiled left the BOS after an unsuccessful Coup d'etat (An overthrow or claim to power) sometime close-after or during their arrival in the Commonwealth.

Perhaps a BOS member at the Boston Airport or the Prydwen could give a quest to eliminate the Deserters, due to their potential threat to the BOS.


I had alot of fun coming up with and writing this faction and hope you add it to your mod.

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1. The Qings (I know it's Chinese but it sounds cool)

2. Leader: Emperor Tenmu Legendary: The Forgotten One (dressed in dark samurai armor who maybe has a ghostly effect radiating off of him) Second: Shogun (name) Below that are Daimyo, Samurai and Ronin.

3. All Feudal Japanese armor, Samurai armor, have mostly the Ronin hairstyle, all male

4. Katanas, Bows, no guns

5. New locations: Japanese style areas, the Headquarters being "The Courtyard", maybe they try to storm the Yangtze and fail

6. Backstory/Quest: These raiders will initially be friendly to you, because they are high as s*** on opium, they take you to the Emperor, and he asks you to help them with their addiction, that essentially cuts the faction in half, you can either side with the junkies or the Emperor, and they each have perks for who you help, this may not sound like a raider gang at this point but I already wrote all this down, and it is kinda like the scavengers vs. the constitution, you either defend the courtyard, or raid it with the druggies, and if you help the emperor, he gets his people and tries to flee the commonwealth, giving you his armor and katana (katana called emperors wisdom, armor called his majesty's guard)

I know opium wars are chinese too but it is still oriental

Edited by mcniff12345
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