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Need ideas for Raider Groups/Clans


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So my idea was for a gang that raided Vault 111 (after the infamous Kellog Incident, that is), and made off with most, if not all, of the cryo-fluid. It would explain why the life support failed and you were thawed out, since without any more cryo-fluid the pod was unable to keep you frozen any longer!


1. Name of Group or Clan: Not really sure, but something winter/snow themed

2.Names of Rank structure: Leader - Jack Frost; Second in Command - Frostbyte; Not sure after that...

3.Equipment(Armor): It would need to be something heavy and layered to protect from the cold. I'm thinking Longjohns or Raider Leathers with Leather armor on top. They would also likely have a few Vault 111 jumpsuits and Vault Guard armor.

4.Equipment(Weapons): Ideally most of their weapons would be frost based, kind of like how the Forged are fire based. Obviously they wouldn't have had access to the Cryolator, but I'm thinking they may have figured out a way to rig up some crude "Frost Throwers," which would basically just be reskinned flame throwers that deal cold damage. There are also a few mods out there that add frost-themed weapons to the game.

5.Possible Locations: I actually had thought about turning this idea into a mod of my own, but alas I have neither the time nor the skill to do so. My original idea, though, was to create a new base for them just north-west of Vault 111, just off the map (a la the Glowing Sea) where the temperature would be lower and the player would take constant "chill" damage (which would work like rad damage, except cold based). Since that's not going to happen, though, maybe just one of the gangs near Vault 111? I seem to remember a few groups out there near the radio tower and whatnot.

6.Any miscellaneous stuff: I already mentioned their backstory in the previous section, so I won't mention it again here.

One more thing: This may be beyond the scope of this mod, but I've always thought it would be a cool idea to be able to take over a raider gang and force them to join your cause. Not become a raider, like in Nuka World, but rather have the raider gangs work for you, basically turning them into a less scrupulous version of the Minutemen whom you can use to combat and intimidate the other raider gangs in the area and protect your settlements when needed. Just a thought...

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A Raider Relations Map I found sometime ago that you might be interested in: http://imgur.com/gallery/H43cF3x


I might flesh this out later but this is what I've come up with off the top of my head.


1. Name of Group or Clan: The Rad Roaches (because, why not?)
2. Names of Rank structure (like how raiders in game have different names for higher levels)
3. Equipment(Armor): Standard leather armor seems fine.
4. Equipment(Weapons): Standard raider weaponry (optional Nuka-World Raider weaponry). They could also have pet Rad Roaches.
5. Possible Locations: Anywhere, though, if you want to make a theme around radiation, then the Crater of Atom near Salem and near the Glow.
6. Any miscellaneous stuff(backstory or quest line etc.)

None that I can think of, though maybe something that is related to radiation and Children of Atom?

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I was thinking something like this might be neat.


1. Technocrats

2. The leader would be named "Emp" (pronounced like imp) and their ranks would probably go something like Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte.

3. They would wear Synth Armor they looted from Synths around the Commonwealth. A few might have power armor up to T-51 level.

4. Weapons would be Laser, Plasma and Institute weapons, alongside Pulse and Plasma grenades. Energy only. No ballistic stuff.

5. Any place that has an abundance of technology, like the Mass Fusion factory for example.

6. Before he was known as "Emp", he was Sherman Blake, a mayor of a small settlement years ago that he created. His settlement lived in prosperity, having an abundance of food and water. The Institute took notice of this and sent a few of their Synths to spy on it. The Synths malfunctioned however, killing off many people and destroying the town. Sherman was fueled with rage and anger, renamed himself to "Emp" (after the name of the weapons they used to kill the synths) and vowed to exterminate the Synth menace by using their technology against them, to "fight fire with fire" more or less. They could also have robots alongside their forces with the name "Reprogrammed" in front of it. (e.g: Reprogrammed Protectron, Reprogrammed Mister Gutsy)

Edited by Courier07
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The Ghosts are a gang of cannibalistic raiders that function like a tribe, They can often be found in the more swamplike areas in the commonwealth and use almost exclusively melee weapons, despite their more primitive nature they still are just as ruthless and nasty as just about any raider gang in the commonwealth.They believe it is taboo to waste anything so they make use of every part of their kill. They are equipped with Human Leather armor reinforced with bone Plating.

They are ranked as followed:

Ghost Tribal: The lowest rank, Ghost tribals will often use clubs made out of bone or carry around spiked baseball bats. They are almost exclusively melee only

Ghost hunter, Hunters are the second strongest rank. they carry around standard raider equipment such as pipe rifles and weaponry. Alongside their standard equipment they oftencarry around specially crafted firebombs that function as a weaker version of the molotov cocktail.

Ghost butcher: Butchers often try to get up close and personal. They often use bladed weapons with hilts made out of bone.

Ghost Spirit walker: Sprit walkers are the highest rank and incredibly rare. A rite of passage for the tribe requires a ritual where the higest ranking members must kill a deathclaw and absorb its spiritual energy by eating its heart. They carry around a special variation of a deathclaw guantlet thats embroidered with tribal markings and decoration. When its used the wielders body will be envolped by the ghostly apparition of a Deathclaw that will strike whenever the person using the weapon does, making them as strong as a Deathclaw.
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  1. The Sawbones
  2. Different medical professions such as nurse, doctor, surgeon, professor, etc.
  3. Metal armor combined with any kind of medical apparel such as labcoats, medical goggles, glasses, surgical masks, etc.
  4. They mostly use gamma guns as it kills someone with as little physical damage as possible and allows them to easily overwhelm their targets.
  5. They're always nearby a medical building that they either operate out of or scavenge inside. It'd be awesome if they could be inside the Mass Bay medical centre instead of the Gunners.
  6. They mean well, honestly. So much medical knowledge has been lost since the war and people died preventable deaths that could be easily treated with pre-war technology. These people want to help humanity but sometimes that means using ... regrettable measures. There's no human trials or animal testing, and no one's going to donate a loved-one's corpse for study. And how much has a random raider or wastelander helped humanity anyway? Sometimes one human life can save many.


I just had a similar idea, only more in the "insane surgeon from bioshock" direction. Or, at least, that they capture settlers in order to harvest their organs for themselves or for allied gangs, or just to try new chems on them. I suppose especially replacement livers would be popular among raiders.

They could also use syringers, or gas grenades. If it comes to melee, scalpels and bonesaws.

As armor, they could use plaster cast and/or these lead arpons you get for x-ray examinations, which offer protection against radiation.




1. The Green Thumbs

2. Something agricutlure-based, like, Weedwhacker, Plower, Reaper, Combine

3. Farmhand clothes, with wooden parts attached

4. Gardening tools: shovels, pichforks, large shears, poison sprayers, scythes

5. farms

6. Before the war, people probably would have called them eco-terrorists. They are extremely pro-nature (what's left of it, that is), against eating animals (eating "bad" people is fine, though), and will attack settlements where brahmin are used for food, milk, or just as pack animals, or if the settlers use nuclear power. Or just because they think there should be mutfruit bushes growing instead of that particular settlement.




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  • 7 months later...

The Minute-Raiders, raiding the people at a minute's notice.


Basically a group of Minutemen who gave up after Quincy and turned to raiding instead. They should have laser muskets and mixed raider and minutemen clothing (like a minutemen outfit with raider sack mask for example). It would be awesome if some wore those sacks with the militia hat on top of it if they didn't share the same clothing slot.


Anyway these Minute-Raiders should be quite successful at raiding. In my lore they would know all of the caravan routes and schedules because they used to work to protect them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey I would like to add a gang, The Vets, or something close

They could be like a superbeefed up version of the Gunners, with prewar military weapons and armor.

They could be ranked army style, from private, to private 1st class, in that fashion up to 5 star General

Bosses could use Military codename, and they could inhabit old military areas, places you would expect soldiers to be.


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