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Weaponspeedmult decreases with every swing - even with 1handed weapon


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Hello, got some strange problem. I have played quite long on this mod setup (based on STEP, but then expanded with hell of many heavy mods - mainly Perkus Maximus of course - I'll post my load order so you can see for yourselves), but I play thief/archer, so I never encountered the problem before (I was either sneak oneshoting enemies with daggers, or sniping them from distance).


First I found the problem when I tried to chop down a tree with Dynamic Things, and after few strikes the swing animation got slower and slower, until it was really a slow-motion (as if I used the slow time shout or sgtm command). When investigating, I found out the weaponspeedmult is modified by -0.48 after about 4 strikes and sometimes -0.72 after some more. When checking in the middle of a strike it auto resets to 1.0 (temp 0.01, perm 0.99, not sure why, but as long as I remember it have always been like this).


I thought it could be Ultimate Combat, but disabled it to no avail. I also have attack commitment mod, but I it only has one esp with few value changes and nothing more. Every hit staggers also doesn't do that, as I tried to disable it (along with its Violens Patch, ASIS and PatchusMaximus) and it still happened (although I think it wasn't exactly the same, but after more swings it again was -0.48 or similar).


These are my mods: http://www.modwat.ch/u/tslnox


I had two ideas, one being a tool/mod/maybe SKSE plugin, that could dump which script changed which actor value, and second some papyrus tool that could exctract it from papyrus data (if there is such way). But I could find nothing, maybe I am just a bad googler. Please help me, it's not THAT gamebreaking, but it definitely is immersion breaking - nobody swings anything in actual slow motion - it's Skyrim, not Matrix :-D


Thank you for your time.


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well, i found out that weapon & armor attributes mod totally screwed with swing speed. could it be that anything similar would do the same? might want to look into that for solutions all the same. something about inputting a console command, but i'm sure you've tried that?

So I kinda figured it out. I don't know what caused it but something was putting my ActorValue, (left)weaponspeedmult value down. For any of you who have this problem a good fix is to just type in these two commands:


player.setav weaponspeedmult 1

player.setav leftweaponspeedmult 1


And you are good till it is set back which I have not tested long enough to see if it does.

Edited by MajorFreak
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Actually I didn't, as the weaponspeedmult already is 1.00 and it properly resets back fraction a second after swinging. I will try it, but honestly I doubt it will change anything, as it is almost surely being modified by a script (or maybe a hidden spell effect, which I don't understand at all). Thanks for your reply.


PS: I tried it, and after few swings, speed dropped down and then returned to 0.01 temp 0.99 perm.

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Does this only happen when chopping down trees?


There is a known bug with weaponspeedmult and it's possible that you have multiple mods trying to fix it and conflicting. That happened to me with SPERG and another mod I was using at the time.

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Does this only happen when chopping down trees?


There is a known bug with weaponspeedmult and it's possible that you have multiple mods trying to fix it and conflicting. That happened to me with SPERG and another mod I was using at the time.

Nope, it happens even when swinging in air or at enemies. About the weaponspeedmult bug, I did my homework and I made sure I have only one mod which fixes that active (that one being PerMa, I believe, as I remember disabling it in Disparity MCM).


Oh god, I can't believe I was so dumb and blind... I have checked my mods one by one, starting with Combat category, carefuly reading the descriptions, and found the EHSE - Reactive Combat of course makes every consecutive strike slow you down. The only issue now is that the last (4th) slowing is too slow to even look realistic, but that's whole different story and problem not related to this...


Thanks for your time. I'm going to bury myself :-D

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