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Total Realism Overhaul


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  On 11/16/2011 at 1:29 PM, Ashrok said:

Just a quick addition: make nothing invulnerable, not even story characters, dogs or childs, but make murder a real bad crime and the prize you have to pay when going to jail higher plus the escape a lot harder.


I would love to see a Fable-like system where you can turn off all unkillable characters.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned before because I skipped over the majority of this topic. Anyway, I play as a mage most of the time and I'm now slowly converting it to a battlemage so my character is skilled in a sword too. (single handed) Anyway, what annoys me most of the time when I sneak up behind a character stab him with knives, a sword or even a broadsword or any other weapon and the enemy still lives.


For that matter when ice mages throw those spikes at me (or I a them) and the spikes appear in their head (which should be instant kill considering that's where the brain is) that should immediately kill them. Is there a way to make this happen?


Let me rephrase in case I wasn't clear enough.


My character sneaks up behind another and knives him in the back. This should at least take two thirds from his health if not kill him in an instant.


My character is ambushed by several warriors with bigg ass swords. They stab me several times. This shouldn't just injure me greatly but actually mean an insta kill.


This one I find the most important. My character is throwing ice spikes all around and the enemy has several stuck in their bodies. This should either drain their health quickly until the spikes melt or the npc heal themselves or it should kill them instantly. Of course the reverse is also true. If I am hit with an ice spike in the body or the head it would kill me immediately.


The same is true with arrow. An arrow in the head should mean death.


Anyway, like I said I skipped over the majority of the topic but something like this would be really cool...


If it already exists in this mod or with another would you pretty please refer me to it? This mod would make the game really hard though I think. Of course, simply lowering your HP might work too...




On a side note: I think that certain characters should still be unable to be killed permenantly if only to prevent quests from breaking. Perhaps put them in a comma or something or make a script to make them sleep and unable to wake for say... A week ingame? And I would really like to see a more serious reaction to murder. Bounty hunters being hired, assassins and hero's that try to kill you. Would make you think twice before you decide to murder an innocent...


Just a thought though

Edited by kingdark
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I've made a really quick and dirty overhaul of destruction spells (only changed some numbers) because I had the same awful feeling of complete inadequateness of spells like ice spike.


Now, playing a mage is more like playing a nuker mage than lame dps mage. Please report back if you decide to check it out.



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I heard of it, haven't had the time to check out what it brings to the table. But is does sound better than having to run a loader. Although to be honest, the only thing that would entice me into using script extenders is if they added functionality like detecting headshots... current workarounds don't really do the trick.


No idea why Bethesda decided to completely nuke body part hit detection... it would have been easier to just leave it in and flatten the effects.

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