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Total Realism Overhaul


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There is a woman (I forgot exactly where) that lives up high on a mountain in the Falkreath hold just south of Falkreath I believe and she will give you an archery minigame where you have to hit targets in a certain amount of time. You get 5 levels of archery and you don't have to pay just perform. I think her name is Angie.


Excellent, so it can be done. I would definitely like to spice up training - with the added lethality of combat and magic, the player could use a non-"ooops-you-are-dead" way of improving their character which actually does something for their playing skill as well.

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Yeah it would be cool for say melee combat if the trainer gave you a practice sword that is either wooden or extremely dull metal. The sword would do 0 damage or 1 if the game requires damage output to register a hit. The trainer would then require you to battle them in certain combinations of moves and blocks in a certain amount of time or before they strike you. Then give you levels for each task you perform correctly. It would be difficult to script I imagine but it is something this game should have had instead of the cheap tack on of paid trainers that magically level you up. BTW the woman archer trainer I was talking about gives you practice arrows for the minigame sessions. She only gives you 10 so you can only have a max of 10 when doing the minigame which makes it a little more challenging. The practice arrows do 0 damage but still can kill people because of the bow you use. From my experience with her I wonder if there are other trainers in this game for other skills that do something similar or did Bethesda only do this for archery? Edited by TheCommodore
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Love the expansion on the training ideas, and that there is already a vanilla archery mini game to start with.


Another thing that really breaks immersion for me is being able to run down rapidly flowing rivers and down water falls. Even running in knee or waist level in a rocky stream would be a recipe for falling and smashed shins.


In general, I would like to see falling down more. Also when running backwards in a fight should have a chance of falling down if there are rocks or vegetation around, or a stagger or stumble. I would actually also love to see an animation for slipping and sliding down angles that are too steep to climb.


This probably isn't very spanked, but being able to grab ledges and climb up, or hop over objects, small walls ect would add so much to the immersion for me. Right now the animations are all smooth but everything is so floaty, without a sense of weight.

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Love the expansion on the training ideas, and that there is already a vanilla archery mini game to start with.


Another thing that really breaks immersion for me is being able to run down rapidly flowing rivers and down water falls. Even running in knee or waist level in a rocky stream would be a recipe for falling and smashed shins.


In general, I would like to see falling down more. Also when running backwards in a fight should have a chance of falling down if there are rocks or vegetation around, or a stagger or stumble. I would actually also love to see an animation for slipping and sliding down angles that are too steep to climb.


This probably isn't very spanked, but being able to grab ledges and climb up, or hop over objects, small walls ect would add so much to the immersion for me. Right now the animations are all smooth but everything is so floaty, without a sense of weight.


Yeah, that's an old problem with Bethesda games, ever since Oblivion, even Morrowind. Aside from increasing fall damage, I am not sure what can be done. If there is a way to detect if the player is walking/running backward, I think a fall chance could be scripted in, but due to the way collision detection works I am not sure about tumbling down steep slopes (almost 100% certain there is no way to detect the slope angle of the terrain the player is walking on). It would be great to have with all those mountains and cliffs, but can't promise anything.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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Love the expansion on the training ideas, and that there is already a vanilla archery mini game to start with.


Another thing that really breaks immersion for me is being able to run down rapidly flowing rivers and down water falls. Even running in knee or waist level in a rocky stream would be a recipe for falling and smashed shins.


In general, I would like to see falling down more. Also when running backwards in a fight should have a chance of falling down if there are rocks or vegetation around, or a stagger or stumble. I would actually also love to see an animation for slipping and sliding down angles that are too steep to climb.


This probably isn't very spanked, but being able to grab ledges and climb up, or hop over objects, small walls ect would add so much to the immersion for me. Right now the animations are all smooth but everything is so floaty, without a sense of weight.


Yeah, that's an old problem with Bethesda games, ever since Oblivion, even Morrowind. Aside from increasing fall damage, I am not sure what can be done. If there is a way to detect if the player is walking/running backward, I think a fall chance could be scripted in, but due to the way collision detection works I am not sure about tumbling down steep slopes (almost 100% certain there is no way to detect the slope angle of the terrain the player is walking on). It would be great to have with all those mountains and cliffs, but can't promise anything.

There was a mod back for Oblivion where if you ran backwards you would fall. I think it was the SCA Combat Archery mod that limited the amount of arrows you could carry and made bows deadlier. I think on collision with objects when you ran backwards made you tumble over. I don't know if the rest is possible. I'm not a modder to any degree (yet), but I think there could be a way found/made to detect the slope angle. Maybe, I'm not sure though.


Also, how long do you think this mod will take you? It will take FOREVER unless you have a very good way and an unlimited amount of time.

Edited by Ixflashpointxi
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There was a mod back for Oblivion where if you ran backwards you would fall. I think it was the SCA Combat Archery mod that limited the amount of arrows you could carry and made bows deadlier. I think on collision with objects when you ran backwards made you tumble over. I don't know if the rest is possible. I'm not a modder to any degree (yet), but I think there could be a way found/made to detect the slope angle. Maybe, I'm not sure though.


Also, how long do you think this mod will take you? It will take FOREVER unless you have a very good way and an unlimited amount of time.


Not really. I usually have professional-style scheduling and production priorities set up before I start a project like this, so just being organized saves a lot of time. I expect things are going to go a bit slower at first until I get used to the Creation Set and the new scripting language (but being a web programmer it's not something I can't handle), then to pick up. Which is why I'll leave more complex features for later, when I get comfortable with the whole process.


Initially I plan on doing the basic framework for the mod, which is still going to add a number of improvements as far as immersion and realism go. First alpha release of the mod may even be ready within a week or so after the proper modding tools are available (read: Creation Set). After that I'll do my best to publish regular updates and improvements.


The whole mod may easily end up being huge and take over a year to complete. But we're talking about features I haven't even thought of yet.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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The whole mod may easily end up being huge and take over a year to complete. But we're talking about features I haven't even thought of yet.


Would you be willing to release smaller chunks of the project as they are done, like sleep/food etc?

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The whole mod may easily end up being huge and take over a year to complete. But we're talking about features I haven't even thought of yet.


Would you be willing to release smaller chunks of the project as they are done, like sleep/food etc?


I thought I was clear in the post above. :) Yes, the mod will have regular updates as portions of it are completed, and actually basic needs (sleep/hunger/thirst) are high on the priority list - so they're probably among the first scripting tasks I'll do, and should be in one of the earliest releases.

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The whole mod may easily end up being huge and take over a year to complete. But we're talking about features I haven't even thought of yet.


Would you be willing to release smaller chunks of the project as they are done, like sleep/food etc?


I thought I was clear in the post above. :) Yes, the mod will have regular updates as portions of it are completed, and actually basic needs (sleep/hunger/thirst) are high on the priority list - so they're probably among the first scripting tasks I'll do, and should be in one of the earliest releases.


Awesome. :D


What really excites me a lot is the thought of sleep not restoring health but also your idea of a deployable campsite. I imagine being halfway up a mountain in a snowstorm on the way to a quest with half my health gone, bitter cold setting in [disease template?] I start the campfire to dispel that. I eat my last bit of food and sleep a bit to get rid of exhaustion. In the morning, should I go back to town for supplies, or press onward to the quest dungeon?


I think what you are making would arguably be THE best mod ever made for Skyrim.

Edited by Oomo
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This has probably already been suggested, but I have only read parts of the thread.


"World Navigation changes:


Map Check ability - the idea is to take the existing Clairvoyance and make a more immersion friendly version even for people who like to play a magic-free character, so that the process looks more like a proper map check than casting a spell; see if it is possible to add a cue as to how far the destination is"


Add an actual map like something from FarCry 2 where you get out a "magically adaptive" map that does your local area and then the world map at a press of a button and can put it away on the fly. You could make it a spell or power, add an animation, map textures, and boom! Haha...maybe not that simple...


Also, there have been allot of ideas shared on this thread and assurances that you have it under control, but could you update the initial post with details of what you have decided will be in your mod. Maybe I missed something and you are just sticking with what you have initially, but if not, a more updated initial page will give us a better idea of your vision or the shared vision of this thread.


I think it is great that you are taking this mod upon yourself and I hope to see something after the CK is out for a few months. Thanks ahead of time!

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