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Total Realism Overhaul


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Just be sure to keep all thing as options ;)


I don't like the realistic overhaul, because this is a fantasy game and the beauty of fantasy is doing thing that in the real world you cant do :)


But i Thanks a lot for your work you take it from your free time


Everything will be optional. But as far as realism goes, I am not trying to make a medieval simulator. TRO is about *fantasy* realism - as in if I fry this here dude with a bolt of lightning, he shouldn't just keep coming at me like nothing happened. And if I shoot this here arrow through someone's eye socket, they shouldn't just keep going like a friggin' zombie. Just the other day, when testing stuff I got shot in the head with two arrows. Took down 20% of my health and looked really ridiculous. That... just shouldn't happen. So let's see if there can be headshots. That kind of realism.


In fact, chances are you will be able to do more epic stuff with TRO than you can in vanilla, simply because stuff isn't going to be watered down and the gameplay will be more complex.

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Everything will be optional. But as far as realism goes, I am not trying to make a medieval simulator. TRO is about *fantasy* realism - as in if I fry this here dude with a bolt of lightning, he shouldn't just keep coming at me like nothing happened. And if I shoot this here arrow through someone's eye socket, they shouldn't just keep going like a friggin' zombie. Just the other day, when testing stuff I got shot in the head with two arrows. Took down 20% of my health and looked really ridiculous. That... just shouldn't happen. So let's see if there can be headshots. That kind of realism.



In fact i love some part of your mod, the marksman part anch the magic part is the a part that i like ;)

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I do have something like this in mind, too. I am currently learning stuff while doing tutorials and scripts, and i am going to create a new crafting system.


Cause i dont like the speed you change to dwarven or elven armor, those will be made more rare ( as are all other following items ).

Crafting will be limited in those ways:

  • perks cannot be simply set, but have to be learned from NPCs, books or the like
  • recipes will not be learned by learning the perk, but have to be learned like perks
  • resourrces will be more limited so creating stuff is much more difficult
  • droplists for lvledenemys have to be modified, as have to be random chests
  • same is true for traders

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Is there an animation for puking in he game?

Not quite sure, but there is a mod out with puking already. It's a shout. Take a look.




My God... We need this!


Puking when sick or when eating ancient nord cheese (50% for a barf, maybe?) and a crowd control spell that forces puking - you could call it Ingardium Reflux or Command Word: Barf :D

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Hah, that's over the top. I just have the player "game puke" (I use the heavy cough animation, looks like you might also have puked a little) without spewing. I do need a nice hurling sound though. Maybe Freesound will have something... and it does! :D


Today I hooked up animations for various actions, like drinking and eating. As a side consequence of debugging (you get stuck in an idle state if you play an idle animation while weapons are drawn), you now suffer a penalty to the amount of hunger sated or thirst quenched if you eat or drink with a drawn weapon. The penalty reduces nutritional value of ingested food to half the lowest bracket value. So if a light snack type item (an apple for example) gives you 10% hunger reduction if you are starving, if you try to eat it with a hand full of axe, you get only 5%.


Food itself is divided into three categories - light snacks, normal meals and filling foods. Nutritional value is percentage based and depends on which state you are in:




80% 100% 100% Stuffed

40% 80% 100% Not Hungry

20% 40% 60% Peckish

10% 30% 50% Hungry

10% 30% 50% Starving/Dying


In practice this sort of non-linear distribution means once you begin to starve you will need a bucket of apples to get back to not being hungry, while a single nice fat roast will have the same effect. On the other end of the spectrum, you can snack regularly and never go hungry, but a single snack at a wrong time will easily make you stuffed, which again carries a penalty, including a small chance to puke each time the script ticks (the script ticks every ten ingame minutes to minimize load, so basically if you get really stuffed you have six ticks, or a game hour worth of chances to hurl). Hurling drops your hunger level all the way to hungry.


Puking also prevents you from moving for a short amount of time, which can be inconvenient. :P

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I don't like the realistic overhaul, because this is a fantasy game and the beauty of fantasy is doing thing that in the real world you cant do :)




The way I see it, a fantasy game should be just like the real world in terms of laws of physics, hunger, sickness, economy etc, with the FANTASY parts added in. Just because there are fantasy elements in the game that shouldn't be justification to turn a blind eye to all the unrealistic aspects that detract from the game. [Which each person has differing levels of tolerance of how much 'realism' they want in a mod but shooter has this covered by it being modular]

Edited by Oomo
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