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Total Realism Overhaul


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I think the magic front is a little less contested, and therefore a better target. Personally I think one of the best changes you could make there would be a stamina cost: either completely stamina-based, or a combination of magicka and stamina.


What would this achieve, exactly? I don't see where you're going with this.

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Deadly Combat is quite good, but I'm not sure if I could integrate it that well with TRO - I have to examine what it does more closely. However, Combat Overhaul goes beyond just fighting - there will be wounds, there is Combat Fatigue, which builds up if you fight for prolonged amounts of time and can cause you to blunder catastrophically, there is level consistency (fewer walking tanks and pushovers), etc.


But the main problem is level consistency - I am talking about how you can sometimes encounter a bandit chief who can easily take a dozen arrows, while surrounded by regular bandits who sometimes drop from one. I don't think Deadly Combat does anything about that, even though it makes combat itself more interesting. But the point of Total Realism is primarily immersion, which is broken when you have situations like the above, and that will be a major portion of Combat Overhaul. I see no other way to maintain the consistent level of realism, as in nothing short of a dragon or a giant should be able to take more than several blows from a sword, nevermind sledgehammers, battleaxes etc.

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Well in terms of immersion a fully plated soldier (in good metal armor, not leather) should be able to survive more than 3-4 hits with a normal sword.

Sneaking and attacking with a small weapon out of stealth should ignore armor ratings as you are able to put you dagger in where the armor has its weak spots.

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@Bluedrake42, unfortunately right now there is no way to make true locational damage for Skyrim, so proper limb damage effects/headshots are not possible. TRO focus right now is on making combat deadly and challenging throughout the game, regardless of level and type of enemy. A side effect of that + lack of locational damage is that you can kill people by shooting them in the foot. I don't like it myself, but right now it's either that or whack-a-thon of the vanilla game.


Okay =) so far I love your mod so I have faith that whatever you do will be the most awesome thing that the skyrim engine allows =D

I wonder if you could have extra effects for armor though, where for heavy armor arrows have trouble piercing and sometimes just bounce off, maybe heavy armor could also deflect sword blows like a shield?

I really liked your idea where heavy armor was more susceptible to lightning attacks, and leather more so to fire, I really like that dynamic


Deadly Combat is quite good, but I'm not sure if I could integrate it that well with TRO - I have to examine what it does more closely. However, Combat Overhaul goes beyond just fighting - there will be wounds, there is Combat Fatigue, which builds up if you fight for prolonged amounts of time and can cause you to blunder catastrophically, there is level consistency (fewer walking tanks and pushovers), etc.


Yeah please don't change your mod to be compatible with others, please please please.

Right now I use "custom difficulty" mod with "Deadly Combat" and that helps a little

but to be honest when your combat overhaul comes out I'm deleting both of those and moving to TRO

I can't wait to see when you release it


Also btw if you ever need a beta tester please hit me up:

[email protected]


I'd also love to do reviews/gameplay for your mod:


Edited by Bluedrake42
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Oh, and now when you burn people to death with fire, they end up charred, smoking corpses. Nifty, eh? :P


Is there a way to remove armor (heavy might survive, maybe 30% chance of heavy still appearing) from their inventory after becoming a charred, smoking corpse? It makes sense that flames like that would burn up skin, leather, and hide alike.

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I will return to Skyrim when your combat mod comes out, that's for sure :)


Still a lot left to do, spells are going to have to be totally reworked since they have no damage multiplier setting, for example. I have to bring them in line one by one.


On this note, though, do you have intention of making TRO-Combat compatible with magic mods such as Midas? It seems Midas spells would be vastly overpowered if TRO scales vanilla spells down. I have no idea how to do this except for making a Midas - The TRO Version mod, but it would suck to miss out on the depth Midas brings to the magic system.


While I enjoy Midas' take on magic, TRO will pretty much do the same thing, only with realism and balance in mind - fact is, Midas' Magic spells are often totally unbalanced - which is ok, that's a mod for players who like to blow up half of Skyrim with fireballs.


But that unfortunately makes the two mods incompatible on multiple levels.


Instead, with TR Combat Overhaul you will see each spell effect reworked so that they are not only more powerful (TRO will not be scaling anything down, the opposite), but also have a lot more to them than vanilla versions. For example, starting with beginner spells, Spark (and other shock spells) will be able to knock out victims to the ground where you can keep frying them to death, Flames (and most fire spells) will be a veritable flamethrower you can use to really set the scenery ablaze and create fiery barriers against enemies, fireballs will have a real explosive force to them that will send enemies flying... and all that balanced with ranged and melee combat to keep the gameplay even and challenging (plus it can also happen to you). If possible I even plan to add spell combinations to TRO.


I remember this mod for Oblivion, was called Telekinesis or something, in which you could learn a whole bunch of telekinesis spells that let you throw around your enemies. It was very nicely scripted and was quite balanced. First you would get spells like Trip which made your enemies... trip and fall on their face for some quick CC and then you would get the Force Push to damage them a bit too and finally you could lift them up in the air Sith style and choke them to death. It was a very fun spell mod.


Also, Midas spells for Oblivion had this nice line of spells where a mage would use his weapon (sword, dagger or an arrow) and fling them with telekinesis at their enemies. It would be nice way of balancing if a spell required not only enough mana to cast it but also a dagger or a sword to be present in inventory - with added new inventory system a mage would carry only like 3 daggers so he would have to make them spells count. Sword throw could be a very powerfull spell but in this way could be casted only once before you could pick another one to fling. I guess the same thing can be achieved by making longer cooldowns but still it would be nice.

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The low amount of spells in vanilla Skyrim is a serious setback, I think. There aren't even any touch spells. I do believe TRO needs to either be compatible with new spells, or add its own. In an ideal situation TRO becomes popular enough that spell modders make TRO balanced versions. This wouldn't be too difficult in many cases as it's just scaling numbers.
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Before you do anything with combat Mansh00ter, I believe you need to integrate werewolf/vampire feeding with your basic needs mod.


That's all done in parallel. Version 1.0 of the Basic Needs should be out this weekend.


Planned features:


-vampire and werewolf feeding conditions

-ingame configuration menu (need progression rate, audio/text message combos, secondary needs toggle/config, mod deactivation)

-Secondary Needs (optional)

-audio prompts

-food tweaks (edible berries and such)

-RWT compatibility patch, that's the no.1 complaint I get

Edited by Mansh00ter
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