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More Then one Visible Amulet, because choosing between accessories is a pain!


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So as the title says, a mod that allows for more then one amulet to be shown, not because i want multiple amulets around my neck, but because it's becoming annoying choosing a few accessories mostly limited to the tail and amulet slots, and the tail slot has wearable khajiit ears for while i'm wearing wigs, so the amulet slot is my only free slot, i would use ring slots if given, but the items i currently have take up the amulet slot, so... yeah, is this possible? and if so, has it been made, or can someone make it? if so, you have my thanks, and most likely the thanks of others in the same situation.

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Currently trying it, so far it just adds onto what i'm equipping in stats, but actually visual attachments, i'm only seeing the first amulet, i'm talking about visually adding more, not statistically, like having both sunglasses and a collar showing on the character, but both require the same amulet slot.

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I'm not sure it's possible.

so no kinda OBSE addon script for something like this mod that makes all the equipped are visable? overall i can understand if it's not possible, scripting alone can be difficult, and i can see how something seemingly simple like this, could actually be impossible do to hardcode issues, overall, if it's noi possible, then thanks anyways.

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I only have a very basic knowledge in scripting.

I'm trying to MAKE anyone do it, a request is a request, i'm just asking around to see if it IS possible and if so, could someone accomplish it, and if no one can or will, then i can't say anything really...

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Equipped items are only visible if they use at least one of the equipment slots.

Problem is: you can't create new slots, and every slot can't be used by more items at the same time.


Using another item's slot may cause even more problems, as using a slot automatically hide that body part (if use slot "Hands", equipping the item will make the hands will disappear, as the item is supposed to have a gloves/gauntlet mesh which should replace the hands).

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Fortunately this problem doesn't apply for the rings and amulets/necklaces as you can see with the mod Visibly unlimited. :tongue: http://image.jeuxvideo.com/smileys_img/31.gif


Unfortunately, the problem does apply for the rings and amulets/necklaces with that mod. :tongue: http://image.jeuxvideo.com/smileys_img/31.gif


As you can see from the description of that mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27260



for Asesino’s Visibly Unlimited

**************** NOTE ******************************************

**** OBSE 18 Beta 3 or higher required *******************************

**************** NOTE ******************************************


Visibly Unlimited allows you to control the maximum number of Rings and Amulets without losing the ability to see the first amulet and the first two rings on your PC.

There is nothing special you need to do in-game to make this work. If there is an available ring slot for display, the mod will make the ring visible, else it is invisible.


As in, "without losing the ability to see the first amulet and the first two rings on your PC", which means only one amulet and two rings are visible. Or at least that is what the mod description says. So what forli said still applies. :thumbsup:

Edited by Contrathetix
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