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Where's Jyggalagg?


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Well, Sheogorath is back with the other daedric princes, but there's no sign of Jyggalag.

What happened?

At first I assumed that this Sheogorath was just your old Oblivion character after 200 years, but with no Jyggalag, I have to wonder...


Is Jyggy just too good for us, and doesn't want to bother with giving us a quest?


Did he get re-zapped by the others and once again transformed into Sheo the minute your old character's back was turned ( or when you died ) ?


What do you suppose happened?

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Prolly the story repeated itself all over: the Champion of Cyrodiil was a bona fide madgod, but no real Daedric Prince.

Jiggy got "jiggy" and overexpanded himself, so the Daedric UN had to force him back into old Sheo.

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I'd still assume the Sheogorath is the old Oblivion character who "grew into his position" by the powers he was given control of. Jyggalag simply was imprisoned into the body and mind of Sheogorath for so long, that there never was any shrines dedicated to him, so most probably the only worshipers he ever had were the few priests in Shivering Isles.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Does no one remember that Jyggalagg IS Sheogorath, just like the end of the SI main quest line in Oblivion, Jyggalagg just went back into Sheogorath once you beat him, sure, it's been like 200 years or whatever, and i'm sure Juggalagg has played hell on the Shivering Isles, but they are one in the same after all.
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200 years for an immortal in a realm where time doesn't flow normally doesn't necessarily mean Jyggalag has had enough time to make his presence felt after thousands of years of absence. Still, I would really like to see some sort of reference to him like a heart of order or some other item associated with him turning up. A book written by Dyus of Mytheria would be the holy grail actually.
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Does no one remember that Jyggalagg IS Sheogorath, just like the end of the SI main quest line in Oblivion, Jyggalagg just went back into Sheogorath once you beat him, sure, it's been like 200 years or whatever, and i'm sure Juggalagg has played hell on the Shivering Isles, but they are one in the same after all.


Well...to debate that particular line of though, if you're seeing Sheogorath again you'd also have to be seeing Jyggalag since it's been exactly 200 years.

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Canonically in oblivion you are a Imperial male. If you look at the new sheo you can see that he looks like a combo of old sheo and an imperial. My guess is Jyggalagg still thinks the humans are too unorderly so he doesn't communicate with them.


I don't think any Elder Scrolls game (where you could create their own character) has forced a 'canon' protagonist (i.e. stipulating that the character was so-and-so, unlike Cyrus in Redguard for example). The Nerevarine is simply addressed as the Nerevarine, not as a Dunmer, Argonian, Imperial, ect. The same seems to be true with the Champion of Cyrodiil, where no "canon" is stipulated about who the Champion of Cyrodiil was.


The "new" Sheograth looks pretty much like the "old" Sheogorath, although his attire appears to be different. I agree that I think it's the Champion of Cyrodiil who has remained as Sheogorath after 200 years. I don't see why Jyggalag would try to re-take the Isles of Madness when he's now free to roam the waters of Oblivion, and Shegorath makes reference to seeing Martin become a "dragon" so it's heavily implied Shegorath was formerly the Champion of Cyrodiil.


As for Jyggalag, I'd imagine he might try to establish his own realm of Order, perhaps in one of the realms of Oblivion that has no Daedric Prince lording over it (like the Chimera of Desolation or Soul Cairn)?

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