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How Do I Target an NPC?


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When I'm in combat I get a target bar that shows the name of the mob and it's health. Is there a way to bring up that target bar for a creature BEFORE I'm actually in combat? I just want to know the mob's name. Im playing a sneaky ranged character and it would really be helpful to know whether the guy I'm about to shoot is a Vampire Master or Fledgling Vampire or Vampire slave.


Also, I wanted to try to use my Healing Hands spell on one of the injured people in the temple but again, I have no idea how to target.


Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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It seems to only target if you're in combat with them, which I think is extremely stupid. There's no point in healing anyone if you can't see how much you have to heal. There needs to be a UI mod for this. >_<

Yeah, we REALLY need a mod. I thought I was going to like the UI a LOT up until I used it. Ugg. I can never see the health of my horse or dog really either, so I had no clue that they were about to die...

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