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Using vs. Storing Items


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Does anyone else have the problem of opening up a chest to put things in it and after you've clicked about 20 times you realize that you just drank all your potions, ate your ingredients, and swapped out your weapons and armor? It's really stupid how even when you're in the UI for a container, the default left-click action is to use the item and not move it to the container. I don't know how many times I've had to reload the auto-save from entering my house after doing this. Is this something that could be fixed at this point or would it require the Creation Kit?


Sorry if this belongs in the requests section, figured I'd try here first.

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if you have edited your key configuration in game, the button might not work. R is the default keys for storing things in containers, that is if your playing on PC


Having R as the default for storing is the issue. I'd much rather have it be left-click when I'm using the container.

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Yes, it is almost as if these devs never saw a PC game they liked.


UI design is not rocket science they did not have to reinvent the wheel.


Plenty of precedent on how it is done properly and with coherence.


Of course, one has to realize these are the same guys that developed the UI for Oblivion. I see a track record here.


All we can hope is the toolset will allow modders to properly implement a coherent UI.


If not, just have to get used to it. I've made adjustments but make similar errors as you have and curse when it happens.

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Alas, it was designed for those crazy console creatures.


This seems to becoming more the norm too. :(


Yeah seriously... It really sucks. Skyrim would probably look A LOT better if Bethesda developed it separately from the the consoles. I know this is a vast over-simplification of game making, but I wish the developers would design the game using the most powerful platform (PC always) so it looks the best it can, and then downscale it to work on the less powerful consoles.

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I have to agree. the AI is a joke.

I seriously dont know what were going on in their heads when they designed it. maybe they were die hard fans of the enigma rainmeter skin.


It is the biggest flaw IMO of the game.


I hope you mean UI, but I agree, it's easily the only major problem I have with the game. I can't wait to see what happens with UI mods, especially with the new Flash elements.

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