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Exhausted my googling skills, OBSE not working.

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So I decided to give Oblivion a go on PC for the first time & want to get the full PC experience. I installed OBSE according to the instructions listed on the read me, made sure Steam overlay was enabled, added the OBSE tester mod, launched the game, OBSE not active! I've gone over everything with a fine tooth comb and cannot see any error on my part, getting frustrated. I don't plan on modding the crap out of my game but I don't think I can live without several of the mods that require OBSE. Is my only recourse to reinstall Oblivion & just try again?

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I couldn't get the tester mod to work but I noticed my saves had both the regular file and the OBSE save. So it was working. Are you sure it isn't? Steam has changed and the only way I get it to work is to run it through the steam launcher.

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Yeah just made a fresh save in the game and it is definitely not installed, there was no OBSE reference in the save file. I am launching through steam, I watched a video tutorial from earlier this year and followed it to the letter, its just not working for me. I've looked through so many forum posts and troubleshooting guides, I've done EVERYTHING as instructed, almost to the "f*#@ this" stage of frustration.

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The indication that OBSE is working is that after you save with OBSE working you will have two saves with the same base name and different file extensions each time you save (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). Other than that you will get no indication that OBSE is working unless you install a mod that runs an OBSE check and reports what it finds to the game display or refuses to run at all without OBSE (many will silently fail to use some of their features, without alerting you further).
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What is the exact path to the files you have installed from the OBSE extracted download in your game folders? How did you install those files?
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So what are the exact file paths to the OBSE files such as obse_steam_loader.dll, obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll?
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Steam overlay does not matter at all, I think. I have it turned off globally, and OBSE still works. The paths should be these:

  • ...steamapps\common\Oblivion\obse_1_2_416.dll
  • ...steamapps\common\Oblivion\obse_editor_1_2.dll
  • ...steamapps\common\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe
  • ...steamapps\common\Oblivion\obse_steam_loader.dll
  • ...steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\obse.ini

And if you start the game from within Steam, it should load OBSE just fine. Are you sure you used the one from this page AND the latest loader from there, too (and nothing more, nothing less) because it should work: http://obse.silverlock.org/


Someone at some point pointed out a YouTube tutorial that made no sense. That tutorial said to use some other loader stuff from elsewhere, but the ones from that official OBSE site have always worked for me without any further issues. So if you also found that nutters tutorial, try to install OBSE without following it. It has never been necessary for me, and I also have a Steam version, and WIndows 10.


Also, have you tried "unblocking" the archive(s) before extracting? The CSE documentation tells to do that, and I have still not figured out what having the files "blocked" by Windows actually means in practice. That might also be worth a try? Right-click -> Properties -> General -> at the bottom there should be checkbox to "unblock", tick it and hit "apply". Do this to all the OBSE archives before you extract them.


Are the OBSE logs generated when you launch the game?

  • ...steamapps\common\Oblivion\obse.log
  • ...steamapps\common\Oblivion\obse_steam_loader.log

If they are, you can check if they have some info.


To test if OBSE is loaded, you can also select an NPC, open the console and type this (+enter):

SetRefEssential 1

If it throws an error about unknown command, then OBSE is not working. Otherwise, OBSE should be installed and working.


Just some thoughts. Strange how people actually have issues getting it to work. Of course it could be understandable if someone uses NMM to install the thing, but if someone follows the readme... odd. Well, the world is an overall odd place, and the Internet twice as much. o_O

Edited by Contrathetix
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