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No polearms


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No harder than any other two handed weapon type they have. Really its just a matter of lazyness either on development or by being rushed to have to cut content.

Are you kidding me. You need extra attack animations and also critical attack animations. It'd be like another 1/3 of the total weapon animation work they'd already put in and, after previous games, it was clear that nobody liked spears or crossbows... or at least they were in a distant minority of popularity. Developers have to prioritize their objectives and goals.


Regardless, spears are one of the most underrates weapons in gaming, I'm betting someone will mod them in. Personally, I wouldn't mind them copying some of the two handed animations just to get it started.

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They actually have a halberd.


The Executioners Axe. Not sure where to get it, but I spawned it for myself in game and it has some decent animations.


In all honesty...they probably had to cut corners somewhere and decided to remove a lot of the extra weapons that would add a lot of animation work. *Shrugs* From the amount of people I've asked, these weapons are not that popular.


Balancing them would also be quite difficult...adding 4-5 more weapon types would just make it weird.

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