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Any tips on taking on a Fog Crawler?


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Yes you should, I use a modded level 6 x-01 armour. I also use an LK-05 SCAR auto that does 80+ damage. I also have a companion in level 6 x-01 armour with a powerful asault rifle. Sometimes it makes the game a bit easy though. Still, given the choice between easy and dieing, I'll choose easy every time.

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Hardest fight I had in Far Harbor was against a legendary Fog Crawler. I shot it with my Gauss Rifle a few times and noticed something odd. Those shots were not doing as much damage as I had hoped, and the damn thing was coming right at me. I was in T-51 power armor with a jetpack so my first instinct was to run and hurl myself through the forest while hitting the Crawler with shots and flying off when possible. My character was in a haggard state, in Surival Mode no less, but managed to pull himself through in the end. So, end of the day (on survival mode at least), come to Far Harbor with power armor and a gauss rifle (maybe a smaller explosive gun) or go home.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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I've noticed the legs tend to be a weak spot, hit them with explosives and you can cripple the bastards, then pump them full of bullets from a comfortable distance. (took me like 1 &1/3 magazines from my fully upgraded OG at around lvl 120) Just keep an eye on them as they do seem to regen a bit and if you're unlucky they might get to thier feet again...

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