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Model swapping


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So I've been going around looking for a way to do this, but alas it has been to no avail.

Does anyone have an idea of how to go about replacing the base models/textures of the default weapons in the game with custom ones entirely?

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do overrides, and it seems to me that editing the default .uc is a terrible idea.

Yeah, I'm an egg. Thanks in advance!

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I am aware of Robojumper's mod, I've also tried it, but it seems like it doesn't achieve exactly what I want it to do.

What I want to do is not only have specific weapons have different models, I want the base models to be replaced entirely, because I absolutely despise the Plasma weaponry's designs in the game.

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I think the best way to do this is to remove the weapons from the HQ inventory on loading the game/starting a new campaign, and add your own weapons in the process. That way, the models never show up, and the game doesn't break somewhere.

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