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Ultra-Low INI tweaks?


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Hey guys.

I'm a proud owner of an Aspire one AMD C50-powered Netbook, and I'd like to get my Skyrim fix on the go (while I'm away from my comparitve monster of a rig.)


I've seen a lot of posts about turning the graphics quality up, bot practically nothing about turning the settings down.


Could some enterprising tweaker possibly generate for me an INI (or tell me what settings to set myself) that has everything turned off or minimum? trees, grass, sky, textures, everything. I'm looking for a bare minimum "hey, the game's running" setup so that;


a) I can see just how well my netbook can run the thing (i've done a bit of tweaking myself, gotten to about 25FPS, but there's a lot more settings I haven't touched), and

b) so that others with low-end systems can get help getting skyrim running at a playable framerate on their systems.


I'm happy for skyrim-on-the-go to look like absolute crap, of course.


Go all out, I don't care! make it look like Morrowind! Nay, REDGUARD!

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I'd like to bump this too.


For reference, TF2 has a netbook mod, which essentially remodels most of the characters into fewer polygons, and turns off all fancy stuff (even shadows). Using that, I went from 10-15 FPS in TF2 to 45+ in one 6 MB patch.


I've tried going through the ini files to reduce complexity, but to no avail. So if anyone's willing to make a reduced polygon model mod, I'm sure there will be a lot of takers.

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I would first suggest looking at the available mods for lowering the different textures size and resolution, Also There is a D3D9 mod on the site that optimizes the direct x settings (I went from a recommended Medium setting to a High using this) other than that I will be of little help.
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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys, I'm new to these forums but I wanna let you guys know what did.


My laptop has the follow specs


Windows Vista

Intel core 2 Duo CPU at 2.00Ghz

4 GB of ram and a NVIDIA Geforce 9200 GE


I kept having problems with my FPS and constantly wanted them better so here's what helped me,


First of all I downloaded the Vanilla reduced textures mod from the skyrim Nexus, Really helped with performance and still looked awesome :)

As far as mods went that's all I really touched, I then messed around with the skyrim prefs INI file,

Basically anything that mentions shadows you need to change the value to "0" this will turn them off,

so far what I've read is that the shadows are the most GPU heavy in the game, second is the mountains (Vanilla texture pack sorts that)

apparently you can turn down/off the specular stuff to such as dust and so forth but I havent messed with that yet


obviously the most important thing you need to remember about changing the skyrim prefs file is

A. make a back up first

B. make sure its the pref file in your documents / my games folder ... Otherwise it wont work


This is probably stuff that you guys already knew and this is my first time answering on this kind of topic so I hope it helps :)

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I have an Aspire 1 netbook - I would not consider playing anything more complex than solitaire on it. I got this for my 88 year old mother, and it was too slow for her - all she used it for was Facebook & Pandora. I replaced it with a Kindle fire - which actually runs FB faster. :rolleyes:


I use it for taking notes, dropbox and a quickie email client.


If you can get it to run Skyrim at all -


The video is extremely weak. and the Graphics steals ram from the Main ram instead of having it's own dedicated vram. That means that if your netbook is maxed out on ram - 2G max. Then, a minimum of .5 of that 2G will be taken by the video. then windows will take another .3G leaving you with a max of 1.2G ram available to play the game. Even playing at the lowest settings and with no mods - you would see a lot of disk thrashing and slow downs along with the video blackouts.


Then most only came with 1G of ram - making Skyrim a no go (.3G for Windows, .5 G video leaving a whopping .2G ram for the game - Then if you cut the vram down to 256 (.25G) you would still have just .42G to play - I doubt it would load.


With .5G for video, you will have to cut way down on the video - and I would expect blackouts when it runs out of vram. then long pauses for loading screen (over a minute)


If you can get the game to play at all - the CPU is weak and your fps will be low - mine has problems playing youtube videos.

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