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Expanding on an Settlement Management Idea.


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So I posted a few days ago about having some kind of fast settlement scrapping mod. I generally do not like using the command console while playing, so using "scrapall" is out for me. So my original idea was to have some kind of interactive object in game that would bring up a menu allowing you to scrap all of the vanilla scrap-able objects in a settlement, the screen would fade to black, and a few in game hours would pass.


I want to expand on this idea, would a settlement management terminal be possible? Just a standard in game terminal with options like "Scrap Settlement", "Harvest Crops", "Gather Water" and so on?


You could even go a step further and have a Settlement Management Holotape with the options above to be used at all settlements.


This level of modding is far beyond my ability, and I realized how far beyond after about 4 hours today of attempting it myself.


There is a mod out there called "Settlement Management" that uses the holotape system I was looking for, but it lacks the scrapping option. I posted on the authors page asking to consider adding that option. From what I've seen the mod looks pretty solid. Here's hoping.

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ok, you have 2 different problem

1.scrapall without using console

2.auto harvest food and water


1. scrapall

http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11664/? ,

edit hotkey with scrapall script.you no need to type in console command, no terminal require


2. auto harvest food

-the concept of food(or water) is, if food > settler , rest of food will transfer to workshop, just build more plants or water purifier

-https://github.com/fireundubh/fallout4 <= this auto loot, will loot anything if it can be loot

sorry for my bad english

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