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Immersive Mods List


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Immersive Mod List

The following is a list of mods I use in my Skyrim install for my stream.


Note: Mods denoted with an asterisk (*) are those recommended for use with Realvision ENB. If using Realvision ENB, please refer to the Nexus Mod Page for instructions on how to properly install the mods together.


4K Parallax Treebark and Simply Bigger Trees Compatability Patch *

A Quality World Map

Address Unkown

Alternate Start

Animallica - Skyrim Wildlife Overhaul

AOF Detailed Mountains *



Bathing in Skyrim

Better Stealing

Bjin Warmaidens

Bjin Wives

Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition

Caliente's Vanilla Outfits for CBBE

Campfire and Campfire Extensions

Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD *

Civil War Overhaul

Climates of Tamriel and Climates of Tamriel - Weather Patch *

Cloaks of Skyrim

Cutting Room Floor

DCE - Realistic Male Face

Deadly Spell Impacts

Deadly Dragons (Makes dragons very difficult to kill. I use the Loremonger edition)

Drinking Fountains of Skyrim

Enhanced Blood Textures

Enhanced Lights and FX *

Equipping Overhaul


FemFeet Redesigned

Fences of Skyrim *

Finer Dust *

Fire and Ice Overhaul

Fix Lip Sync


HD Enhanced Terrain *

High Definition Ivy *


Hunterborn and Hunterborn Patches


Immersive Armors

Immersive College of Winterhold

Immersive Fallen Trees Mod *

Immersive HUD

Immersive Patrols

Immersive Roads *

Immersive Spells and Lights

Immersive Weapons

Improved Dragon Shouts

Inconsequential NPCs

Interactive Wash Basins

Interesting NPCs (Cannot be installed through Nexus Mod Manager)

Interesting NPCs Patches

Lightning During Thunder Storms and Climates of Tamriel Patch *

Locational Damage

Loot and Degradation

More Tavern Idles

Natural Grass Texture Floor *

Optimized Vanilla Textures *

Organized Bandits in Skyrim

Papyrus Utilities

PC Head Tracking and Voice Type

People are Strangers

Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced

Pure Waters - PW Landscape Textures * (I do NOT use Pure Waters. These are just extra textures to compliment Realistic Water Two)

Race Menu

Real Bows

Real Shelter (Does NOT work correctly with ENB raindrop textures. If using Realvision ENB, see the Nexus Mod Page for information on how to use the vanilla textures)

Realistic Needs and Diseases and Realistic Needs and Diseases Patch Pack

Realistic Ragdolls and Forces

Realistic Smoke and Embers *

Realistic Water Two and Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures *

RealVision ENB (Refer to the Nexus Mod Page for installation instructions)

RealVision ENB Floral Patch and Particle Patch and Subsurface Scattering Patch (All found here)

Replacement Ivy *

Requiem and Requiem Patch Central (Notes on Requiem near the bottom of this post)


Ruins Clutter Improved *

Showers in Inns

Simple Bedrolls and Supplies - For Campfire

Skyforge Plus

Skyrim - Enhanced Camera

Skyrim Floral Overhaul *

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures *

Skysight - Simply Bigger Trees *


Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization

Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons

Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds

Static Mesh Improvement Mod *

Superior Lore-Friendly Hair

Supreme Storms for Climates of Tamriel *

Trade and Barter

Transparent Wave Spray Retexture *

TreesHD *

True Storms *

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin *

Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs and Creeks and Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax Patch *

Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins and Enhanced Lights and FX Patch and Static Mesh Improvement Mod Patch (Patches found here) *

Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax *

Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised and Static Mesh Improvement Mod Patch *

Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area *

Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two *

Wet and Cold

Winter is Coming - Cloaks

Wiseman303's Flora Fixes *

XP32 Maximum Skeleton


Honourable Mentions

The following are mods that I recommend, but that did not fit well into my immersive Skyrim install.


Arrows and Bolts Tweaks (Requiem nullifies the effects of this mod)

Archery Gameplay Overhaul (This mod changes Requiem's bow draw animations)

Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul (Conflicts with Requiem and Realistic Needs and Diseases)

Lively Inns and Taverns (I decided to use Interesting NPCs instead)

Open Cities Skyrim (Can't get this to not crash my game)

Pumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth

Scoped Bows (Didn't fit well with the Real Bows mod)

The Skyrim Distance Overhaul and SkyFalls + Skymills (My computer couldn't handle it) *


Other Notes

I realize that this many mods can be taxing on one's computer, so I have included my build specifications as a guideline for what is needed to run an install like this. Keep in mind that my computer is nearly at its limit.


i7-4790k 4.0 GHz

GTX 970 Graphics Card


32.2 GB of storage


If you have any mods that you think would compliment this list, don't hesitate in sharing them. :smile:



Requiem can be a difficult mod to set up. Make sure to carefully read the installation guide before doing anything, use a completely fresh install of Skyrim, and install Requiem last (not doing this can break your game). Bjin Wairmaidens and Bjin Wives, as well as any other race or NPC overhaul, require special steps to work properly with Requiem (consult the guide on Visual Automerging). Be sure to install Requiem Patch Central, select the patches you need, and sort your load order according to the instructions on the Nexus Mod Page.

Edited by cerealbowlparty
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Fire and Ice overhaul is hidden. is there any other mod that makes fire stay around for longer than vanilla? I'm not too worried about weather or not it spreads. Kthxbai.


To quote the title of a pinned post: "This ain't the place to request mods." I may be paraphrasing but I appologize. So instead I'll say, "That's a nice looking list you got there."


Better Free Camera ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78389/? ) can be used to turn the hud on and off with the push of a "mappable" button. I mainly use the mod so I can take screenshots in .jpg format.


I was supprised to see this next one missing: Footprints ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22745/? ).

Edited by pyrophiliac777
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