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Never enough arrows!


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<- Level 30 100% archery char.


Here's a tip: Pick pocket guards at night when they can easily be approached one at a time without much citizens around. Most have around 15 on them but there are many, many guards.


Somehow I always managed to have just enough, but I buy them whenever I see them on a merchant.

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Bound bow is a solution, but not for stealth archers as it makes noise/light and all the mobs will spot you the second you enter the room with you bow.


Bit I as many others play an almost 100% archer char and I never had any shortage of arrows. But I'm not fussy bout witch ones I use ;)


I just wish for a mo that allows me to enchant the arrows instead of the bows. Because carrying 2 sets of arrows (frost/fire) is ok, carrying 2 dwarven or ebonite bows (frost/fire) is no fun at all.

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