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Post your prospective ideas for DLC.


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I'd Like two new expansions. Maybe a werewolf vs. vampire war with all new features and new areas. Another one which i think might fit in a lot better and a lot cooler would be the return of the dwemer. Possibly discovering a lost city where they still are and have them return to the world and letting you possibly play as one. I dont know too much about the dwemer but an awesome main quest for that about maybe why they are hiding or if they just secluded themselves.
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I would love to see an invasion of Skyrim (Probably not cyrodil even tho NPC's would talk about it since you know the game is about skyrim) or maybe even something similar to the fallout DLC where you take the fight to them, either as the imperials reclaiming honour or the Stormcloaks fighting for Talos.
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Mounted Combat Skills added to the fighting skill trees;


shoot from horse back (bow)


Mounted attacks (one handed)


etc... etc...



Also, Pack animals, or a usable wagon to put my shat in. (horse can't sprint or something like that.)


some horse armor might be neat, though not if its the same crap from oblivion.


Better crafting system like ability to recover metals from armor and weapons more variations in armor more craftable weapons etc.

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Multiplayer Online Battle Arena

Please don't have me but I want to see it.


I know it would almost have to be totally separate from the game to support Mutliplayer. I know that there has been countless crys for mutliplayer and they stated they was not going to do it... but i still want to see it. You'd have to remove the pauses and replace favorites to toggle preset weapon/spell/shout setups - even add in Werewolves versus Vampires like the above poster suggested.

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Marriage Options.


I'd easily buy a DLC that was specifically for marriage - more dialogue from current spouses (I want Muiri to say more to me! I want her to be more interactive. :) ) and possibly more spouse options.


Marriage is one of the things I love most about Skyrim - it was a fantastic idea from Bethesda. Now I want to see it more detailed!

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