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sharksplitter - UNBANNED

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sharksplitter banned.




Reason for the ban

Piracy of Pokemon Go



We have a strict anti-piracy policy and we take a proactive and preemptive stance on anyone who gives us reason to believe is using a pirated version of any game or software. We only support official game versions and users should not provide help to others requesting help with unofficial game versions (e.g. cracked games). If your on-site activities provide us with sufficient evidence that you are a software pirate then you will be instantly banned. If you ask for help with a cracked game then your posts or topics may be set to hidden or deleted, and persisting to ask for help with your cracked copy may result in your account being banned.


More information on our anti-piracy policy can be found on our forums.


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Think we can put this one down to a misunderstanding and the stupid use of "piracy" to explain what the user is doing.


Pro-tip: don't openly admit that you're going to "pirate" something in a public forum. Piracy, by its very definition, is illegal. By saying you're going to or have pirated something not only are you openly admitting to wrong-doing, but you put us in a position where we have to act.


Having said that, changing your region settings on your phone so you can download a free app sooner than you're supposed to be able to is beyond the realm of internet piracy policing I want done. As someone from the UK, I'd have to admonish quite a few of my friends for doing the same thing in regards to Pokemon Go.


Back with a formal warning for the stupid admittance of "piracy" as a warning -- don't admit to piracy, even if its not piracy.

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