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Breton are kid's in first person?


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So I started a new game to rock the pure mage and I chose Breton. Through the tutorial it ran smoothly but things got weird when I got to Riverwood... so I was walking along in first person and me and the Imperial get to Alvor's and I go to walk outside after I'm done talking and suddenly I have to look up to see Alvor in the eyes. And I think to myself how can that be Breton's aren't that much shorter than Nords. Then I try and sprint and I sprint a short distance the I stop and I'm thinking to myself what the hell? So I go to third person and everything is normal I'm my correct height and I run normally but I go back to first person and... POOF midget that can't run again. so has anyone else been experiencing a similar problem and if so have you found a way to fix it?
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  • 3 months later...

I have just started experiencing this myself, but at about 40 hours into the game. I play a Breton stealth/archer character. I have found no explanation or fix for this yet and it is very frustrating. I believe it started after fast-traveling to Whiterun, but I can't be sure. I just noticed I was suddenly staring everyone in the bellybutton.


Also, I cannot sprint properly. Instead, I do a short dash and stop, using only a fraction of my stamina. However, everything works normally in third person view, except I hate playing in third person. >:(

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Ok. Just found an easy fix.


Double tap the sneak key. My character was short because he was stuck in a sort of half-sneak position. It's a simple fix, but it did the trick for me.

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Another thing you may find is that sometimes when you return from sneak mode and try to run, you kind of wobble forward almost like you are stumbling. That is another issue where you have not fully left sneak mode. Drop into sneak then back out takes care of that one too. Edited by Brandy_123
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Anybody else having the issue that sometimes when you start a dialogue or open a chest or whatever with pressed shift key,

that the shift-functionality is switched and always active, so you have to use capslock to counterswitch it untill it happens again? :woot:

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