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Survival emergency crash saves


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I don't know if such a thing already exists, but with survival now out, many people are donning their leather padding, building altars of tissue boxes for the moment when they lose an hour of progress because no autosaves. There's just one problem, at least for me... I regularly crash out of the game.
My gaming hardware is not what you'd call top tier... and it's incredibly frustrating to complete a really stressful fight or mission, only to have the loading screen never finish loading...

The mod I'm looking for would quicksave every fast travel or door loading like in a non survival game, but only once. It would delete old autosaves after it makes the new ones. Most importantly, this autosave doesn't get loaded if you're killed. It would work kind of like document recovery in microsoft word; "Yo dawg, I see your session was interrupted, I got you brah, oh by the way, that behemoth was still chasing you. Have fun~"

Does anyone know if this exists? It's probably the only way survival is gonna be playable for me... ^^;

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