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How do you quick switch to bare hands?


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I found a pretty interesting unarmed guide for Skyrim. I want to give it a try but I can't seem to favourite fists (it's nowhere to be found), I wana ask does anyone know a way to quicky switch from say Magic or Weapon to bare hands?


That is a real problem because the spell hotkeys won't unequip the spell.


I tried switching to a two handed weapon then hitting the hotkey again, but that mostly justs reeqipts the last used. - a good feature but still no help getting to unarmed. There needs to be a fix or a mod to hotkey unarmed.


Perhaps someone should cross post this to mods request.

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  • 1 year later...

someone should make a mod to switch to unarmed and back with a hotkey. I have spent so much time switching my spell off when im out of magicka and punching my enemies either to death or till it regenerates.


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Use the hot key to equip a one handed weapon of choice. Press the hot key. This should disarm you. In fact, it should leave you with your fists up if you had a weapon drawn.


BTW, If you attack someone with bare hands, it does not start a brawl. They will use weapons. Just a reminder.

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