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MLP debate


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My Little Pony is just another kids show, I have no idea why there is such a huge fan base for it. Male adults being so caught up in it... It just isn't right.

I can easily understand girls watching MLP, but males? The hell is going on? The show is all bright and happy, about making cakes and dressing up - girls' territory.

There's just nothing masculine about the show.


And now we have to see it everywhere.




Notch likes it and so do you!



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My Little Pony is just another kids show, I have no idea why there is such a huge fan base for it. Male adults being so caught up in it... It just isn't right.

I can easily understand girls watching MLP, but males? The hell is going on? The show is all bright and happy, about making cakes and dressing up - girls' territory.

There's just nothing masculine about the show.


And now we have to see it everywhere.




You can have your flamethrower, we have tanks.



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My Little Pony is just another kids show, I have no idea why there is such a huge fan base for it. Male adults being so caught up in it... It just isn't right.

I can easily understand girls watching MLP, but males? The hell is going on? The show is all bright and happy, about making cakes and dressing up - girls' territory.

There's just nothing masculine about the show.


And now we have to see it everywhere.




Notch likes it and so do you!



Notch should for once work on his game instead of going on vacations and start internet dramas. :rolleyes:

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Ghandi said; "Be the change you want to see in the world"

what he apparently forgot to say was "Not everyone may like that, though" and a "Don't do drugs" to top it off. :D


its not supposed to be weird, guys enjoying childish cartoons. but ANYTHING that's so sudden like THAT, WILL GET REPRESSED. at least for a while.

they all came on too strong, you know? okay, we get it, it's cool to enjoy an imaginary world, filled with magic and adventure... but the way bronies put up avatars and signatures, act all girly and touchy-feely, criticizing others for not being one of them (okay this one was not entirely true, but they do try to make you be one.), and all that icky, weirdly well-drawn pornflakes of ponies, its just too much.


maybe, if they were more subtle, they would have made less enemies, and more supporters.


Honestly, sometimes, it does sound like a flamewar on sexism. possibly started up by a really, REALLY clever, persuasive troll.


I'm NOT saying all this is necessarily a bad thing.

problem is, it is overwhelming. every society needs moderation, and no matter how free a guy may be within it, its still pretty uncool for that guy to wear pink rubber suits with fake eyelashes in public, and still, proudly, hold his head up, and be all in your face about it. female and male genders ARE different. both mentally and physically. therefore, there HAS to be boundaries between them SOMEWHERE.


and those boundaries won't SUDDENLY go away because they seem stupid to some people. moving boundaries takes reason, and time. its how moderation works. "Less chaos". you can't be chaotic to get something, you should slowly build up to it. you act chaotic and zap, you get moderated.

take homosexuality, for instance. it has become more and more tolerated over the years, when people died for even suggesting its possibility a few hundred years ago.


vezzy out.




we can ALL live happily with it.

Edited by vesemir the witcher
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Today I asked one of my nieces (14 yrs old) on her thoughts on MLP, she responded by asking me what I thought of Barney ... Sweet nothing, I said ... her response was "So" !


But I must agree grown men having an interest in something like MLP is weird ... with names like Pinkie Pie (heaven forbid I make a comment here), Flutter something or other

... oh my word ... it's late, let me go to bed before I lose it !


I'll be back (said in an Austrian accent).


Dolf Lundgren is being ugly with his flamethrower ... see how the little pony just puffs it out ... it should have been C4, there's no puffing there ... hey there's a guy here who kills rats with the stuff, I think I'll ask him ... oops, he LIKES MLP ... helllllpppppppppppppppp.

Edited by Nintii
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Why does this EVEN have to be an issue?


There's tons of crap I hate. There's tons of crap that I don't see why people love it so (such as books by certain authors). But I don't go around slamming people or trying to dictate to them what is normal!


WHHHHHHY do people make a big effing deal out of this? SO WHAT if you don't get it. You don't have to. Just ignore and quit trying to tell other people how to live their lives!


Okay. I'm done.

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Why does this EVEN have to be an issue?


There's tons of crap I hate. There's tons of crap that I don't see why people love it so (such as books by certain authors). But I don't go around slamming people or trying to dictate to them what is normal!


WHHHHHHY do people make a big effing deal out of this? SO WHAT if you don't get it. You don't have to. Just ignore and quit trying to tell other people how to live their lives!


Okay. I'm done.


Yep, my point exactly. I don't like Halo, do you see me trolling Halo players? Nope. I also don't like Barbie, am I going to troll its fansites? Again, nope. Will I scream at the fans and call them abnormal and creepy? No, it'd take a spectacular lack of compassion to do such a thing.


As for the people hating on bronies: do you know there are people who think liking some of the things you do, makes you childish? Well, there are. They think being a gamer is childish. So, it's just a little hypocritical not to extend the same courtesy to those whose fandom is different to yours, if you don't enjoy being called a basement dweller or creepy manchild yourself.

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Why does this EVEN have to be an issue?


There's tons of crap I hate. There's tons of crap that I don't see why people love it so (such as books by certain authors). But I don't go around slamming people or trying to dictate to them what is normal!


WHHHHHHY do people make a big effing deal out of this? SO WHAT if you don't get it. You don't have to. Just ignore and quit trying to tell other people how to live their lives!


Okay. I'm done.


Yep, my point exactly. I don't like Halo, do you see me trolling Halo players? Nope. I also don't like Barbie, am I going to troll its fansites? Again, nope. Will I scream at the fans and call them abnormal and creepy? No, it'd take a spectacular lack of compassion to do such a thing.


As for the people hating on bronies: do you know there are people who think liking some of the things you do, makes you childish? Well, there are. They think being a gamer is childish. So, it's just a little hypocritical not to extend the same courtesy to those whose fandom is different to yours, if you don't enjoy being called a basement dweller or creepy manchild yourself.


But, I AM a basement dweller...... :D


what the heck is a bronie? why is this an issue? Why is this thread longer than say, the Congress threads? Is My little Pony that controversial????? Really????


I really AM spending too much time in the basement......... I had completely missed this issue entirely.

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Why does this EVEN have to be an issue?


There's tons of crap I hate. There's tons of crap that I don't see why people love it so (such as books by certain authors). But I don't go around slamming people or trying to dictate to them what is normal!


WHHHHHHY do people make a big effing deal out of this? SO WHAT if you don't get it. You don't have to. Just ignore and quit trying to tell other people how to live their lives!


Okay. I'm done.


Yep, my point exactly. I don't like Halo, do you see me trolling Halo players? Nope. I also don't like Barbie, am I going to troll its fansites? Again, nope. Will I scream at the fans and call them abnormal and creepy? No, it'd take a spectacular lack of compassion to do such a thing.


As for the people hating on bronies: do you know there are people who think liking some of the things you do, makes you childish? Well, there are. They think being a gamer is childish. So, it's just a little hypocritical not to extend the same courtesy to those whose fandom is different to yours, if you don't enjoy being called a basement dweller or creepy manchild yourself.


But, I AM a basement dweller...... :D


what the heck is a bronie? why is this an issue? Why is this thread longer than say, the Congress threads? Is My little Pony that controversial????? Really????


I really AM spending too much time in the basement......... I had completely missed this issue entirely.



Well HeyYou some people feel more comfortable telling others what to do and how to live their lives if they don't agree with it. We can look at our own government to see that :P

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okay, since the modders presentation thread has no room for friendly debate what so ever, i guess i'll bring it here.


i want to know how many people like my little pony, and how many don't.


please give a valid reason, one that is not completly numb-headed

exp. of a bad reason: it's dumzzz


i hope you know what a good reason is from that crappy one.

i want to see your responses, so post quickly! ;D



This was the OP ... and the question was " ... I want to know how many people like my little pony and how many don't ..."

People have been responding to this question to the tune of XXX amount of posts and seeing that this is the "debates" section, everyone

is entitled to their opinion ... whether we like their response or point of view or not.


Instead of knocking people for their opinion and judging them with name calling like bigots, childish etc., - which is really going to get us nowhere, but might even spur them on to provocation just for the hell of it, let us just accept the fact that we are not all the same and no amount of bad mouthing people is going to change them.


For some - like myself - it has been mostly tongue in cheek ... for others who ACTUALLY watch it it has bit a bit of an irritation, "after all who gives anyone the right to judge me" and quite rightly so ... for others it's been just plain annoying and for others still, it's been quite serious and a bit of a a rough ride because they feel like it was a personal attack ...


Really quite amazing how five little ponies can get so many people bent out of shape.

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