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Skyrim: The Extended Tomes


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I am still waiting for the construction kit for Skyrim just like everyone else, so I wish to have most of my mod planned out before its release so I can be ahead of the game and get my mod produced in a much faster fashion. Now, onto the details.


I felt inspired to make this mod after approximately thirty hours of Skyrim game play. Before playing the game, 64 spells seemed weak. After playing the game, magic was so satisfying it didn't matter. Now that I'm a master wizard, I feel slightly deprived of certain abilities/spells I think I should have.


I would like to include spells from Morrowind and Oblivion (Such as mark & recall) possibly some Midas Magic spells (If I can ever contact Xilver from the plane of AFK) and add some other spells submitted to me by you, right here on this thread! Yes you, not the person looking over your shoulder about to assassinate you right now, you! So come on down (the page) and comment!

If an admin sees this, do note I have posted this in the general forums before being accepted into the mod author forum. If you wish to lock or remove my other post, I will have no arguments.

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The biggest miss from my point of view were the unlock spells. I chose alteration in Morrowind and Oblivion for this, my favourite characters being the magic powered traditional assassin. Bound Weapons, bound armour (that's missing too), invisibility, unlock... I used to stack up on a full array of these to ignore their physical counterparts.


I was planning on putting them back in myself but if someone else is going to do a magic expanded mod I'd be happy to hand them over or whatever. If you fancy a hand scripting wise, let me know. My abilities have come on since what I released for Oblivion :D

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What I personally would like is for the tomes to not be expended just by reading, like how Skill Books work. An up-and-coming mage could have a bookshelf full of the spells he/she's learned, once a proper shelf mod comes out.


As far as spells go, I would definitely like an improvement to the Transmute spell, what if I want to make just Silver instead of Gold? I have to drop each piece because it takes two ore to make a bar.

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Only 64 spells? I did not know that. Poot.

A big "Yes, please." to Lock/Unlock. And Feather. And Waterbreathing. And how about a bound pick axe? Or some kind of "extract ore using magic" spell. If one can transmute, surely one can extract? That'd save having to carry that heavy old axe everywhere. That'd be nice.

*waits impatiently for CS*

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Is it? D'oh! Can you tell I have only explored about a quarter of the map so far? lol (Damn work. Taking up all my gaming time... *grumbles*)
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I'm sorely missing any kind of Chameleon spells...invisibility just doesn't cut it when you are trying to steal something and the second you touch anything you become visible again. I also want some Mark & Recall spells, maybe a few storm spells as well.


Example of a storm spell:


Blizzard - Would summon a snowstorm that would damage enemies in the area, a bit like the "Storm Call" shout, only with snow.


Eruption - Same as Blizzard, only with fire


And a spell version of Storm Call would be cool as well, dumbed down of course so as to not take away from the shout.

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The biggest miss from my point of view were the unlock spells. I chose alteration in Morrowind and Oblivion for this, my favourite characters being the magic powered traditional assassin. Bound Weapons, bound armour (that's missing too), invisibility, unlock... I used to stack up on a full array of these to ignore their physical counterparts.


I was planning on putting them back in myself but if someone else is going to do a magic expanded mod I'd be happy to hand them over or whatever. If you fancy a hand scripting wise, let me know. My abilities have come on since what I released for Oblivion :D


Unlock spells are a MUST, also some bound armor is not necessary because of the alteration armor spells, the only use for it would be looks instead of practicality, but I'll see what I can do ;) More bound weapons though, because it needs more variety. Invisibility is in-game already ;)


And I would :wub: having help with scripting!! Thank you so much :D I'll keep in touch.


Only 64 spells? I did not know that. Poot.

A big "Yes, please." to Lock/Unlock. And Feather. And Waterbreathing. And how about a bound pick axe? Or some kind of "extract ore using magic" spell. If one can transmute, surely one can extract? That'd save having to carry that heavy old axe everywhere. That'd be nice.

*waits impatiently for CS*


Bound pick-axe would be easier, but what's the fun in that? Extract spell it is then! :dance:


@Draco85 (Multiquote messed up)


Chameleon would be oh so very nice, I'll be sure to add it. Also some storm spells for the elements?? Hell yes! ;D


Mark & Recall should be easy, but for having multiple ones it might be a little harder, not sure cause the CK isn't out yet, but that'll definitely be included :D

Edited by iansaltman
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Levitation, I'm tired of leaping around like some deranged monkey on the side of mountain trying to find a bit that will let me climb higher. Would there be a way to disable it for interiors? the dungeons are obviously not designed with levitation in mind and they may become a little easy.
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Should be easy to make it non-interior, but as always I could be wrong. Completely with you on the levitation idea, or a boosted jump... climbing mountains is just so tedious, I end up going 5,000 miles around it just to get to the path.
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