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Stop Internet Censorship!


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Thank you, HeyYou, for taking the words right out of my head :thumbsup:. Also, considering those sites were out of the jurisdiction of the court, and the site owners were not contacted, that was a miscarriage of justice, and due to this it is still distressing. As for those things not being related to censorship, let me put it this way: Those sites were either shut down or made impossible to find. That is a form of censorship.

It is not censorship. Censorship is the blocking of ideas. Blocking a website whose sole purpose is to sell things is not censorship. Preventing people from entering Wal-Mart and buying things from Wal-Mart is not censorship. If you think that is censorship you are delusional.

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Thank you, HeyYou, for taking the words right out of my head :thumbsup:. Also, considering those sites were out of the jurisdiction of the court, and the site owners were not contacted, that was a miscarriage of justice, and due to this it is still distressing. As for those things not being related to censorship, let me put it this way: Those sites were either shut down or made impossible to find. That is a form of censorship.

It is not censorship. Censorship is the blocking of ideas. Blocking a website whose sole purpose is to sell things is not censorship. Preventing people from entering Wal-Mart and buying things from Wal-Mart is not censorship. If you think that is censorship you are delusional.


*facepalm* Alright, let me explain it to you this way:


Big company A decides, for whatever reason to shut down little company B. Rather than go through legitimate channels by having sufficient evidence, company A decided to throw a tantrum until company B gets shut down by the courts without what would be considered sufficient evidence. Now, your confusion may lie in the fact that you have wrongly assumed (again) that I am thinking something I am not. I never said it was censorship of thought or speech, I simply said it was censorship. There are many kinds of censorship, stifling of speech or creativity is just one form, shutting down a business because you think it is taking a bite out of your pie WITHOUT sufficient evidence is another form of censorship. And before you attempt to point an accusatory finger at me again: My problem is simply that they did not have sufficient evidence according to what I know of the situation.

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facepalm* Alright, let me explain it to you this way:


Big company A decides, for whatever reason to shut down little company B. Rather than go through legitimate channels by having sufficient evidence, company A decided to throw a tantrum until company B gets shut down by the courts without what would be considered sufficient evidence. Now, your confusion may lie in the fact that you have wrongly assumed (again) that I am thinking something I am not. I never said it was censorship of thought or speech, I simply said it was censorship. There are many kinds of censorship, stifling of speech or creativity is just one form, shutting down a business because you think it is taking a bite out of your pie WITHOUT sufficient evidence is another form of censorship. And before you attempt to point an accusatory finger at me again: My problem is simply that they did not have sufficient evidence according to what I know of the situation.

That's not censorship. That's a form of government backed monopoly.

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Thank you, HeyYou, for taking the words right out of my head :thumbsup:. Also, considering those sites were out of the jurisdiction of the court, and the site owners were not contacted, that was a miscarriage of justice, and due to this it is still distressing. As for those things not being related to censorship, let me put it this way: Those sites were either shut down or made impossible to find. That is a form of censorship.

It is not censorship. Censorship is the blocking of ideas. Blocking a website whose sole purpose is to sell things is not censorship. Preventing people from entering Wal-Mart and buying things from Wal-Mart is not censorship. If you think that is censorship you are delusional.


Blocking a website for ANY reason other than it being an attack site IS censorship. Please reread the definitions.

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Blocking a website for ANY reason other than it being an attack site IS censorship. Please reread the definitions.


So if a convenience store is selling cocaine and the police cordon off the store and prevent people from entering, then go around blacking out the entry of the store from the yellow pages, that is censorship?


You have a f***ed up definition of words


So blocking a website that allowed me to buy a thermonuclear weapon would be censorship? If we follow this train of thought then killing someone would be censorship :S

Yea man when you kill a person you stop his ideas and thoughts from being expressed, that's censorship dude. THE MAN is trying to keep us down, censorship by murrrrderrrr

Edited by lukertin
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Blocking a website for ANY reason other than it being an attack site IS censorship. Please reread the definitions.


So if a convenience store is selling cocaine and the police cordon off the store and prevent people from entering, then go around blacking out the entry of the store from the yellow pages, that is censorship?


You have a f***ed up definition of words


So blocking a website that allowed me to buy a thermonuclear weapon would be censorship? If we follow this train of thought then killing someone would be censorship :S

Yea man when you kill a person you stop his ideas and thoughts from being expressed, that's censorship dude. THE MAN is trying to keep us down, censorship by murrrrderrrr


Technically, killing someone is a form of censorship, actually. You have a very narrow idea of the word, it's applicable in more areas than you think.

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Technically, killing someone is a form of censorship, actually. You have a very narrow idea of the word, it's applicable in more areas than you think.

I have a narrow idea of the word? I'm sorry if I don't think censorship is applicable AT ALL in a commercial setting. LOL stopping people from illegally making money is censorship!! Especially when the subject matter being sold is not expression of ideas that are not available anywhere else! LOL!!


Get off my nuts. I know what censorship is.

Edited by lukertin
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Technically, killing someone is a form of censorship, actually. You have a very narrow idea of the word, it's applicable in more areas than you think.

I have a narrow idea of the word? I'm sorry if I don't think censorship is applicable AT ALL in a commercial setting. LOL stopping people from illegally making money is censorship!! Especially when the subject matter being sold is not expression of ideas that are not available anywhere else! LOL!!


Get off my nuts. I know what censorship is.


Denying someone access to something, legal or not, IS censorship. It's just an acceptable form thereof. :D

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Lukertin, calm down. It's just a debate, for heaven's sake. Your temperament is not aiding your argument at all.


In my belief, censorship is another one of those facades that most Western governments claim not to exact, but we all know that is not true. Technically, shutting down a torrent website that pirates games is censorship by law (note: I do not support piracy).

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