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cross bows would be kewl but muskets? Lets look at the history. Powder in real life wasn't invented until 850 A.D. It was first used in combat in 919 A.D. for bombs like fused hand grenades. the first cannon was not used until 1126. In 1132 the first 2 person canon was used and finally the fir single person operation gun was used in 1290 A.D.


Now Skyrim seems to take place in the early Mid-evil age witch started in 476 before gunpowder was even invented.

HOWEVER the Medieval age did not end until around 1470. So i guess it COULD be possible to have very early muskets they would look like this the match lock musket literally had a fuse (see link at bottom) and were EXTREMELY inaccurate in fact a lot of the time the warriors would end up tossing away the rifle for the bow anyway for the accuracy and the quicker load and fire time.



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I absorb dragon souls.

What's possible and what's not possible is a difficult conversation to have when it comes to fantasy, especially when resorting to using the real world to make comparisons. Bethesda didn't make em canon so it's whatever when it comes to mods. Still would take skill to use a bow effectively rather than pick up a musket and fire (hoping to hit something). I digress.


I think there are similarities between real world and fantasy to make fantasy relatable and easier to become engrossed in. It becomes a matter of understanding the differences in a fantasy world in comparison to our own rather than keeping it as close to our world as possible.

Edited by Kairo29
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Are.. you.. mad??


What could be possibly more foolish than making gunfire weapons into a game that is purely medieval and magical? Trying to ruin the immersion, is that it? Jesus, I stick with a battleaxe and a long bow, I'm done for life. But having a rifle, while someone comes at you? Turns out like this:


Bandit: "My blade will sink into your flesh! Yaaaaarghh!"

You: *shoots the poor bastard in the head*

Dead. The End.


Seriously? You want a mod for that? They already have something as ridiculous in Fable III. Let the good old Elder Scrolls remain this way: Steel, Arrow and Fireballs. (y)

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Lol no one has to download it so please dont say don't make it.


As for "go play Fallout for guns" there's a big difference between bolt action rifles and flintlock muskets... I was hoping for a early gun and as someone mentioned above me dwarf robots? Yea guns are totally unrealistic but robots definatly.


And last but not least immersion. I repeat you wouldn't have to download it so it wouldn't ruin what you would think is immersion since you wouldn't need to have it.


The immersion for me would be increased as I would have a lot more roleplaying opportunities.


Last point is it wouldn't necessarilly destroy balance, as someone mentioned it's a game with magic so maybe something similar to less damage from bows enchant, it's magic I think the rules of realism goes out the window.


So yea I'm not trying to say those who don't like it can bugger off it's your opinion not to like it but remember what applies to you doesnt apply to anyone else, I repeat you may think it would destroy the game but onthe flip side someone may think it may be a great addition to the game.

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Sorry for double post:


But i thought up something else, mainly dealing with Maxwellninx post.


1: iz insane but thats besides the point :P


2: It's not foolish to put muskets in, repeat you don't have to download it but remmember that many games are medieval and magic but when nothing changes for a long time it... this brings me onto my next point


3: Ruins a bit of the immersion for me, why has this place not grown? is it stagnate in time? are the reserchers you find all throughout the games slacking off?


4: Why would it ruin immersion, i'll repeat myself it may ruin the immersion for you but it's great for me. Another point during this is why would i destroy my own immersion? thats just silly.


5:You may stick with the battleaxe and bow remmember you don't have to download mods.


6: Finally your little scenario there. Yes i shoot him dead, oh crap there's another three guys after me, gun down sword out. The frantic swap of weapons is, linking back to my earilier point an immersion intesifier. Having a powerfull weapon and not being able to use it, heart beating, will you get your weapon out in time before his friends arrive?



So yea in conclusion a repeat, you dont have to download it, you can have your world of magic/steel and arrows... I would like a world with a bit more progress in history and a new way of playing a beloved game.


PS whoever metioned fable... that game is just crap... not the best example

Edited by stumpndum
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