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Bump, love this idea and want muskets badly. Basic flintlock/firelock weapons would fit easily, hell there's chainmail bikinis that stop as much damage as a full plate harness. I'd like to add onto this idea and maybe someone skilled could make a total conversion to the Napoleonic era complete with period clothes and such? Mmmm riding through the mountains geared up as a hussar.
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I support the idea but like someone else said in these posts it would be much easier for people to go along with (especially lore friendly players) if you made it dwemer like. Maybe you could craft them at a forge with dwemer parts and ingots? That actually sounds like a really good idea! and they could use bullets crafted by certain ingots, but another cool idea would be if they were run by magicka, kind of like staffs. Just a thought :). Great idea though, 100% support!
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If it's a Dunmer relic thing I'm all for it, kinda like those robots. But doesn't shooting FIRE, ELECTRICITY and ICE from your hands defeat the purpose of muskets? Edited by PsxMeUP
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ZOMG that's exactly what i was thinking, change silver with gold of course and put on a few cogs to make it dwemer...ey, But yea as i said in my first post it's for roleplaying so the idea that guns are irrevelent because of magic is pretty funny. Anyway Modders unite!
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1) a new skill tree? NAH!

Revamp the current one into Ranged Combat, making it so that you can use a bow, crossbow, pistols and musket under one Skill Tree.

In the end: these just use the same system, right?


2) Smithery: add ammo to the Smithy Skill Tree (under arrows?)


3) I suggested for In The Dwemers We Trust, to add a Steam Propelled Gun/Minigun and Cannon System (no, not the M134, GAU-2/A, GAU-2B/A, XM196 or similar versions, no, but a Dwemer styled Minigun) with top round loader, side fire system, and since they fired brass ball slugs, no shell eject system is required (let Gravity do it's work, right?) with an RoF that could fire up to maybe 500 RpM for the 'minigun'), all steam based.

IMHO: the Dwemer would have such system: they knew that steam can propel an object, they have pipes, mechanisms, you name it, thus the logic implies they would even have true monster cannons (no, not the things from the movie Guns of Navarone (supposedly, I THINK, these had to be World War II German 800 mm (31") K (E) railway cannons, albeit in truth there were actually coastal defense guns, these were "slightly" smaller (Probable a 'mere' 5" to 11"), but a "modest" version, maybe 20-pounder).

Now, maybe, with enough power, they could even have build a more heavy, shorter ranged version?

Fact is: to make a 'firearm', one could use fairly simple methods...

One thing: these

Dwemer Steam Propelled Weapons were NOT movable objects, defense systems, possibly traps even, concealed in walls and/or Gun Chambers across a mountain wall defending/covering an entrance/exit, with, thanks to their geothermal knowledge, in ever-waking, ever-powered state.


One could even use Magic to build a frikken cannon: Create a Wind Blast spell, turn this into a Rune (Rune Mastery), slap the rune in the rear ent of a back-sealed pipe, add a ball of whatever, a stick, ..., and activate the rune...

Instant massive chaos in the enemy ranks.

No Gun Powder needed.


The options are literally endless, if one would apply Magic and Rune Mastery correct.

Heck, one could build an actual plane, this way.


Just things I am thinking of....


Note: a very evil Dwemer trap: the entrance pipe having a 'cannon firing release system' blasing the entire corridor with a massive jet of steam, making a player into a projectile rather than using projectiles itself...

ah God, too bad I are not a Dwemer... *grins maniacally"

Edited by Klipperken
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Well i will first try to get this into the game before i go over to "more fitting dwemer guns"...i'm familiar to the modelling/texturing process and i have an idea how to get it into the game but i have no clue how to add an animation and the bullet...guess you have to replace the arrow and modify speed/dmg or whatever ?!

Edited by ghosu
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Well... you got me there as well... not as clue, I am no modder.


Sorry... :(


EDIT: maybe not at all even.

If you consider the 'Mage Rifle' for instance, the projectile could as well be an arrow.

Or dart, or similar...

Edited by Klipperken
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