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I'm so for this whole idea, it's rediculous. I especially like IxionInc's idea for adding different classes to the firearms; hell, I wish they'd done at least a little something for the bows! I mean I know it's not a huge difference, but shooting a longbow and shooting a compact little composite bow has its definite different attributes. Seriously, have fun drawing a huge long bow and actually pulling the shot on a guy charging head-long at you at close range, or trying to use your compact bow to reach out and touch that bear way off in the distance.


I'd even think that you could retain a bit of the bow's firing style... just a little bit. What I mean is in regards to aiming the weapon. Instead of going the typical route and just right clicking to stare down the sights (or down the barrel, depending if this particular piece HAS sights) and then clicking to fire, just hold the fire button to aim the gun and release to fire, just like you would your bow! The only difference would be that the damage doesn't change, just your chance of actually hitting the target the longer you steady your shot. Then you could still tap off a quick shot if the guy you're trying to kill JUST so happens to be charging straight at you, and you'd still have the other mouse button to either block, rifle butt, or (in the case of pistols) fire your other gun. I mean since most of these firearms are going to be single-shot or require switching to an entirely different barrel to fire the next shot, it's not like you're going to have to worry about keeping your eyes down your sights through repeat shots.


I know this is just my opinion, but I really do think that adding some low-tech / steam-punk / magic-powered weapons would be an amazing addition to Skyrim. Just imagine delving deep into a dwemer ruin, battling centurions and dynamos and little spider-bots, making it down to that dwemer armory, and seeing some crazy tripple-barreled musket thing propped up on the center-most shelf. I know I personally would just sit there and stare at it for a minute, just imagining what the next bandit I ran into was going to do when I whipped that bad-mothah-luvah out on him. Too bad they didn't script enemies to curl up into a ball and cry like little girls when they bumped into a vastly superior opponent :P


Seriously though, I'm keeping my eyes on this thread. I can only hope that this idea reaches fruition!

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NO NO MUSKET's PLEASE. sorry but that is a terrible idea in my opinion no guns in elder scrolls EVER want guns go play fall out


I understand not personally wanting a certian mod in this game. But you're flat out asking them to not make something they would enjoy. Theres nothing wrong with not liking a mod, or never wanting to use it yourself. I just can't understand all the hate that comes out when people bring up guns in TES. If they want it, good for them, if someone wants to make the mod, even better. Let them enjoy the game the way they want to.

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I'm so for this whole idea, it's rediculous. I especially like IxionInc's idea for adding different classes to the firearms; hell, I wish they'd done at least a little something for the bows! I mean I know it's not a huge difference, but shooting a longbow and shooting a compact little composite bow has its definite different attributes. Seriously, have fun drawing a huge long bow and actually pulling the shot on a guy charging head-long at you at close range, or trying to use your compact bow to reach out and touch that bear way off in the distance.


I'd even think that you could retain a bit of the bow's firing style... just a little bit. What I mean is in regards to aiming the weapon. Instead of going the typical route and just right clicking to stare down the sights (or down the barrel, depending if this particular piece HAS sights) and then clicking to fire, just hold the fire button to aim the gun and release to fire, just like you would your bow! The only difference would be that the damage doesn't change, just your chance of actually hitting the target the longer you steady your shot. Then you could still tap off a quick shot if the guy you're trying to kill JUST so happens to be charging straight at you, and you'd still have the other mouse button to either block, rifle butt, or (in the case of pistols) fire your other gun. I mean since most of these firearms are going to be single-shot or require switching to an entirely different barrel to fire the next shot, it's not like you're going to have to worry about keeping your eyes down your sights through repeat shots.


I know this is just my opinion, but I really do think that adding some low-tech / steam-punk / magic-powered weapons would be an amazing addition to Skyrim. Just imagine delving deep into a dwemer ruin, battling centurions and dynamos and little spider-bots, making it down to that dwemer armory, and seeing some crazy tripple-barreled musket thing propped up on the center-most shelf. I know I personally would just sit there and stare at it for a minute, just imagining what the next bandit I ran into was going to do when I whipped that bad-mothah-luvah out on him. Too bad they didn't script enemies to curl up into a ball and cry like little girls when they bumped into a vastly superior opponent :P


Seriously though, I'm keeping my eyes on this thread. I can only hope that this idea reaches fruition!



You are a f***ing boss, i was thinking the damn same thing, what id like to see tho is real life flintlock style muskets with dwamer metal style and colour ect. also skrew that '' Miss fire '' idea, do you ever missfire a massive fire weave that you just release from your body? no ? then dont do this, just make the //Guns// a High Dmg and fast hitting weapon, with a fairly long reload, that yes triggers when you have just fierd, so you cant just equip and unequpi it for instant reloads..... wait that would be possible now matter what ....f***... oh well its a amazeing idea at anyrate. just make it scale with a united Perk Tree called like '' Marksmanship '' and make it count for Xbows guns and normal bows, just as the little video previously, its showing how it kinda would look like reloading it, all this mod needs, its a 3 man team, a good scripter, a model and texture artist and a Animation Artist. so yeah. you modders out there will some skill in ye head, get to it! Skyrim needs it! i wanna take potshots at dragons dammit!

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  • 2 months later...

We need to get something happening with this. We've already got those simple flintlock pistol mods that use the staff system, which work much better than they did in Oblivion. However I won't be happy until we've got at least some for of reload animation working and some sort of ammo system.


I'm willing to model and texture some Skyrim-themed rifles or pistols for the categories in the game that make sense for firearms. I'm thinking having basic iron, steel and Dwemer level firearms that can be considered part of those sets, and if I modeled them they would aesthetically fit to those themes as well.


Someone needs to sort out animations though. I don't really see this as anything more than a novelty when all we have are firing animations that look identical to staff animations. We need some sort of reload animation otherwise I won't consider working on this.

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  • 1 month later...
Dawngaurd, the "starting as Xbox exclusive DLC" :wallbash: is rumored to contain a use for crossbow animations that the recent major patch had hidden in it, don't quote me on that :whistling: someone posted that somewhere and i read it. Anyway someone with animation skills and software could tweak them into a rifle animation and if we are lucky the crossbow reload animation could be tweaked into a reload animation, just throwing an idea around that is if Dawngaurd comes to PC at some point. :wallbash:
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  • 2 months later...

NO NO MUSKET's PLEASE. sorry but that is a terrible idea in my opinion no guns in elder scrolls EVER want guns go play fall out


Why can't someone just make a mod that a lot of people will enjoy, especially myself, if you don't want it you don't have to download it... THINK seriously! u don't have to download every mod!

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