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Marriage Console Command?


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Ok, it's quite easy to divorce from Ysolda (or any other sprout that you can't just kill), but somehow it's a bit hard to find on Google.


This is what you do:

1. Drop the Amulet of Mara (somewhere where yo can find it back, in case you want to marry a new sprout.)

2. Press the "~" button to open the command console and type "resetquest RelationshipMarriage" pres enter and type "Setstage RelationshipMarriage 10". Close the command console by pressing "~" again.

3. Now find Ysolda and kill her. This is now possible, because you reset the marriage quest.

Note: If you kill her in a house with a housecarl that is not a follower, than that carl will attack you, you get a 1000g bounty and a guard enters the house to arrest you.

So it's best to move to Ysolda's house, before you kill her.

4. Now if you don't really hate Ysolda, you can open the command menu again, click on her corpse and type "resurrect" to bring her back to life. (you are still divorced)

5. Now grab your Amulet of Mara and start dating for a new sprout!



BTW, "Addtofaction 19809 1" does work for quete some NPCs...

You just need to use some more commands to make it work:


I Quote from Wikia:

"In order to marry any NPC you'll need to do three things. First, the NPC must be in the marriage faction, second they must have a high enough disposition towards you, and third, you must wear the amulet of Mara and speak to them."


Add to marriage faction: Open command console, click on the target NPC, type [addfac 19809 0] and hit enter

Set high enough disposition: type [setrelationshiprank <NPC ID> 4] and hit enter

Now equip the Amulet of Mara and speak with the NPC, something like "are you interested in me?" should appear if it's a NPC you can marry.


List of NPCs you can marry: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Marriage

But I think those are only the NPCS you can marry in the normal/official way.

Because I know you can also marry Sanguine (from sam's staff quest) which is not listed here.

To marry Sanguine:

Edited by Zaragorn
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'Whats this 'note of inheritance?' Can you remarry after you kill your spouse? I tried the command both to marry two people at once and to remarry but i couldnt do either!
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