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True Anthropomorphic Race


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Magic is a crazy thing. Who says it can't somehow create a hybrid between an animal and human?


I sort of had an idea for some Anthro races, if anyone cares.


Ursa - Bears. Can be black, brown, or white. Possess the Roar Of The Forest power that causes weaker enemies to run in fear. Largest of the Anthro races. Unarmed melee attacks do massive damage. Slow, heavy, and powerful. The Equivalent of Orcs.

Recently discovered in the mountains of Skyrim, the Ursa are a strong and proud race of warriors with overwhelming physical prowess. With a society similar to that of Orcs, Ursa live in close-knit tribes scattered across the land.


Lupe - Wolves. Can be black, white, gray, red, etc. Possess the Call of the Wild power that summons a pack of wolves to aid the player in combat. Unarmed melee attacks do massive damage. Well balanced and adaptable, the equivalent of Imperials.

Recently discovered alongside the Ursa in the mountains of Skyrim, the Lupe race is as widely dispersed in their territory as Imperials across Tamriel. They have a diverse culture that values honor and justice.


Vulpe - Foxes. Can be red, white, cream, etc. Possess the Beast Sense power that alerts the player to all enemies over a wide area, regardless of if the player has been detected by them. Shortest of the Anthro races. Light, fast, and agile. The equivalent of Khajit.

A race of Fox people hailing from Black Marsh, Vulpe are natural born thieves and rogues that pride themselves on their devotion to the shadows.


Avi - Birds. Can be black, white, gray, eagle colored, etc. Possess the Hawk Eye power that boosts effectiveness of ranged attacks. Tallest of the Anthro races. Can fly when unarmed and not wearing gloves. Fast and powerful, but squishy. The equivalent of Redguards.

An enigmatic race of avian humanoids that appeared deep in the deserts of Elseweyr. Little is known of their origin, and it is believed that they simply came into being from another plane of existence several decades ago. Though scholars often talk of their migratory patterns and speculate that their real homeland may be the forests of Valenwood.


Stilio - Lizards/Geckos. Come in gray, black, red, green, etc. Posses the Chameleon power that turns them invisible for 3 minutes. Unlike Argonians, they cannot breathe underwater but instead can climb walls and vertical faces. Well balanced, but overall low performance. The equivalent of Argonians.

Reptiles from the land of Black Marsh, the Stilio are closely related to the standard Argonian, but do not share their amphibious powers. Stilio value independence and freedom which suits their nomadic, tribal culture.


Taura - Cows/Minotaurs. Come in black, brown, spotted, etc. Males possess the Wild Charge power, which turns sprinting into a highly damaging forward charge. Females possess the Lactation power which produces potent "Taura Milk" that can heal up to 30 points of damage like a Potion (Based on Health and Stamina at time of use), or be used as an ingredient in cooking. Second largest of the Anthro races. Large and powerful. The equivalent of Nords.

Thought to be an evolutionary step above the Minotaurs of Cyrodil, the Taura are a race of intelligent bovines that believe that both immense physical strength and mental intelligence are the path to spiritual enlightenment.


See, THIS is the kind of Lore friendly fluff that people like with their mods.

Edited by MLeonhardt
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First we're flooded with female-only clothing and armor mods, now everyone wants to be a furry.


Why must everything be a niche?

Where are all of the cool and interesting mods that a majority of players can enjoy by default?

They're still there, but you have to sift through the fur and tits first.

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First we're flooded with female-only clothing and armor mods, now everyone wants to be a furry.


Why must everything be a niche?

Where are all of the cool and interesting mods that a majority of players can enjoy by default?

Wait... ... what?


You do realize that beast-race mods are rare as-is, let alone ones that are more than just an esp edit? I mean, mine is the only released one that I know of so far that has custom meshes, and even accounting for ones with just custom textures, they are still rather rare.


The female-only clothing & armor mods are by far much more common.


Nice to see my mod is getting attention though :tongue:

For those looking for races actually specified as IN the lore, I will be doing some of that too down the line.

Still, the races I make aren't "zomg spacefleas out of nowhere!" - I had originally intended for them to be NPC races as part of a stupidly ambitious pipedream project. I wasn't even trying to shoehorn them into the lore or anything, I created them as I developed the plot and backstory for the mod. (They would have been sort of like some of the stuff from The Spires/Archeology guild quest mod from oblivion; its not canon, but it sure has a buttload of thought-out backstory behind it). I have yet to actually getting around to adding the stuff to the mod desc though >.< - been busy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope that some one begins or works on this, skyrim has to many human like races.

and here are some reference pictures for a Wolf race.












sorry for my english.

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