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Nvidia Contest Joke


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How would Nvidias corporate interest be furthered by nefarious schemes to scam contest winners of their prizes? The prizes usually consists of their own marked up product which probably doesn't cost them much to produce in comparison, that they use the consumer price as worth is just part of the marketing 101 to enhance their brand. Their GPUs are basically something they throw at reviewers across the globe, so why would they seek public attention with contests with the intention to never award the winners their prizes?


I'm not saying people have not received their prices before, as DOOMBASED shows this is plainly a problem which people are quite vocal about. When AMD released the RX 480 the person in charge of a competition they held asked that winners contact them within 24 hours so that they could get the cards sent promptly and not be end up bottle-necked "as usual". I've seen plenty of posts about it before despite this being the only Nvidia contest that I have taken any interest in. Clearly it would've benefited Nvidia's own agenda more if they sent out prizes within a week instead of taking months.


To argue that Nvidia holds contests with the malignant intent to not award the winners makes no sense. More likely is that the person(s) in-charge of the the competition has other obligations and have been assigned to handle Nvidias affairs in the competition in addition to their normal work. From what I've experienced at the places I've worked it's probably something that has been delegated to the assistant of a mid-level boss that already has a unreasonable workload micromanaging their quasi work-related affairs for their boss. Incompetence and a low priority is most likely the reason for the lax way their contests are held.


After all, a corporation is an amoral entity created to generate profit. Nothing more, nothing less.


GeneraLuBu: I've read your stuff over at Bethesda and on Reddit. It's perplexing how you say you want unity and are only interested in Nvidia delivering on their part but still from time to time ridicule other users and both allow and engage in backhanded attacks against other mod authors (especially the finalists without an entourage to argue on their behalf). I get that it's frustrating when people derail your threads but still, if you want unity you gotta be way more evenhanded and afford everyone the same courtesy. If respect is given selectively it's not a community, it's a sect.

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To learn the number of entries and names of the winners, please visit www.geforce.com/contestwinners, after July 29. To claim the prize, the winner must do the following within 10 days from the date of NVIDIA’s notification:

Except that no winners have been announced on that page...Nvidia must be in panic mode I guess.


I dont think you understand what it says there



It says that after July 29 the names of the Nvidia modding contest winners will be provided at www.geforce.com/contestwinners.

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Not to say that they are hosting a contest with no intentions of paying out but it's hardly a stretch.

Not too farfetched I guess, just look at some of these posts on reddit... https://www.reddit.com/search?q=nvidia+contest






Another Edit: Prize came in today!



So after this was posted it seems that Nvidia saw it and they've now announced the winners for 4 contests, others still remain announced



[–]TrikleNVIDIA 28 points

1 month ago


PM me your email and i can look into it, sorry for it being such a hassle.



EDIT: Before you read: I wrote this in anger and have lots of wrong memories from that day.



Forget this post, my memory is s#*!.

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Whole "Nvidia Fallout 4 Mod Contest" event is just a commercial activity, the purpose is to let Modder from third-party websites (such as Nexus) to


Bethesda or Nvidia does not care which is the best MOD.

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I haven't even paid attention to the contest, to be honest I just "quietly" (you know me lol) kept browsing through (new today) mods picking the ones I liked and downloaded them
when I find ones I like or that have promise, I endorse as I remember/am reminded, and track (pretty much for things I'm not 100% on but look like they have promise - if I'm already sold on it I basically automatically go there by habit to check on it so I won't forget so no need for tracker usage)

due to health reasons I had to make less money recently due to less work, am already looking to turn it around because oh god I didn't realize I'd have this little but oh well, else I'd probably have given someone some money via donation or something by now


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So Nvidia finally contacted me with the paper work to get the ball rolling in regard to the contest prizes. It would seem they just took their time reaching out to one person at a time in this contest. I suspect the winner's page being updated soon.


Don't even have the balls to be public any more. Bunch of rats.

Edited by GeneralLuBu
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