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Help, GPU temp question

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Hello Everyone, I was wondering what is a safe GPU temp while playing games? I am running on a 450 GTS card and while I am playing I hear the fan just kick into overdrive. in idle mode my gpu is about 41 C or 105 F and I am not quite sure in game as it starts to plummet when I escape the game. Please help I do not want to fry my video card or any other hardware as I am a poor ass white boy who cannot afford to simply replace it.


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65 isn't even close to what you should be worried about, if it gets to 80, it starts getting high, but still shouldn't break anything. Don't worry about it. Edited by Nysba
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the best way to keep temps down, overall, is wire management. tie down your cables, route them through the case if possible. keep the airflow in the case as good as possible. upgrading your fans can always help. Cases can sometimes have some good fans, but other times, swapping them out for some good 3rd party fans can help cool it off a little better. and lastly, keep the room cool. maybe keep a fan in there, keep the air in the room moving. so the PC isnt sitting in its own heat.
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I am just not used to seeing temps that high because I always left the side casing off before but after seeing all the piles of dust I figured it be best to leave it on. Thanks for the wiring tip though. I recently got an upgraded PSU and it has a lot more wires than my older one so that may very well be causing the heat increase.
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Like the others said, 60 degrees is nothing :D

I'de like to know though, what is the performance of the 450 GTS like? I have heard that it runs very cool, and I need something like that.


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