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DDproductions83 is Going Indie.. God have mercy on my soul


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Good luck mang. Hope to see ya still lurking around here and posting updates on your project? Id be curious what you create, you're definitely intelligent.

Welp you never know, we are def having to create the vast majority of assets by hand so you may see some as mods to promo my stuff :P


Already got a sword sitting on the ground I have no idea what to do with yet but it's there.. gg lol


I just made the dumbest RNG puzzle that took me 22 trys to get across, for lulz. This engine is hilarious

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I really hope this works out for you, mate.


It's a big step in the right direction, I reckon. There's a good number of you who are more than qualified to get a team together and make some really great stuff.

I'd be sorry to see any of you leave, but if it meant you could put all of that passion and experience into a totally new game, it'd be worth losing some of the best modders!


Give it a couple of years, maybe the rest of us will be modding YOUR game instead! ;)

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Oh man, I just had multiple orgasms just by watching the tutorial series.


+ Completely customizable UI layout
+ Scale objects on all three axis
+ Place textures by dragging and dropping a material on to an object
+ 3D thumbnails in content browser
+ Open object folder in content browser from details tab
+ ...
I guess now I can't use the CK anymore...
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Oh man, I just had multiple orgasms just by watching the tutorial series.


+ Completely customizable UI layout
+ Scale objects on all three axis
+ Place textures by dragging and dropping a material on to an object
+ 3D thumbnails in content browser
+ Open object folder in content browser from details tab
+ ...
I guess now I can't use the CK anymore...


Dude, you have no idea

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Well really sorry it has gotten to this point. Seems like you were about the only one who really vocally called out Beth and the console losers. Yes there were other MAs who also spoke out but not quite at the level you were willing to go to. I'm sorry now that you will be gone that it'll appear that they actually won. And you can input whoever you want into "they". Anyway again sorry to see you go and wish you the best in your new project.


BTW I'm guessing this will put an end to you GTKYMO videos? Hope not. Really enjoyed those videos...

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Well, that's a bummer, i'll definitely miss seeing you post whatever random crazy idea you came up with.

I've still got your youtube channel on my faves, so I guess I'll see if you post something there...


Good luck with your future endeavors, you've definitely got the talent to do something amazing, hope it pans out.

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+ Place textures by dragging and dropping a material on to an object
+ 3D thumbnails in content browser

Whaaaaaaa.............. :ohmy:



Good luck DD! We didn't always see eye to eye but we certainly agree on a lot of points about the recent insanity. To be honest I suspect that your efforts are what actually got some sort of a fire under Bethesda's butt and got us at least some action from Bethesda so thanks for that. Can't say I blame you one bit for moving on though.

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