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Great job, Bethesda!


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The nexus isn't that bad for this, but almost every other forum I go on is whining about how there are only one or two attractive npcs in the entire game. A lot of people have gone so far as to call every single npc in the game such delightful terms as "uggo" and "fugly". Seriously? I mean, they aren't complete gender stereotypes like Final Fantasy characters, but I take that to be a good thing. I find grown women with the faces of children to be disturbing. I'm proud of Bethesda for making a game that has characters that are more than porcelain dolls.


Anyone agree with me? Does anyone else prefer the people of Skyrim to the people of other modern games?

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Well put.. Basically Skyrim setting is the middle ages but there are those who aren't happy less they can have "models" with perfect styled hair roaming around in their skimpy undies to battle, haha.
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To be honest I'm quite happy with how NPCs look in Skyrim. If I'm to compare them with the ones from Oblivion, than I'm even more happy. They look natural, walk more natural, even behave a little more natural so yeah, they are better! I play as a male and I don't realy mind having some dirt on my face or what ever. A little eye candy is welcomed, but after all, look at the environment, they fit right in.


To answer your question I do prefer them to look the way they do in this game, in other games, that's another story entirely.

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Ya I agree with op the women are 9000 times more attractive than oblivion every one In Oblivion looked like they were 75 yr old any way ya I hate it when every one wants freakin Loli 12 looking women In games it actually annoys me a lot when games do it, dissways me into buying it lol.
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They did an incredible job of "matching" everything this time. The game has a visual theme and they stuck to it quite well, whereas in Oblivion even much of the vanilla content looked somewhat out of place.


The challenge I see with this is that many of the anime-esque style mods that were popular in Oblivion are going to look even more out of place in Skyrim. I'm wondering how many modders will do well at matching the theme of the game...


Also, Imperial, Breton, and especially Nord women can be made to look rather good considering how hard that was in the past two elder scroll iterations without heavily modding the game.

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