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Females wearing male armor?


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The more I see the revealing armor mods here on Nexus the more it's starting to really irritate me, how come no one has yet to make a mod that has females wearing the male versions of heavy armor? Can someone make this mod please?
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Hopefully not just Heavy Armor. I use almost exclusively Light. Would probably be better to use female meshes with the cups removed, though, because the male meshes are built differently. Sheogorath's outfit, for one, looks a little odd on females.
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  • 3 years later...

ifi may toot my own horn i kinda did a mod spotlight on this, might help



Update: Uploading a revised video about 12 minutes longer, shows more armor, i even fixed the refracting skimpy Stalrim

and here it is


Here's the mod list in the mean time



Edited by nekollx
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i wouldnt mind a mod for males to wear the female armors, but that's just me x3

like in Fable 2 and 3, i cross-dressed my character all the time xD

amen, my dream is to have 2 sets of each armor in skyrim, notablythe heavy armor with some kind of identy conceal effect on them if i loot a female shaped armored from some bandit, put it on my maple player the molded boobs shousnt instant go away, throw on a closed face helmet and suddenly every npc thinks your a woman, same with a female pc (or npc even) looking a male armor type. Alas i have only found a solution for the later half and no female to male body type armors out there

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use the Less Sexy Armor Redux mod, which take the female versions of most vanilla armors and makes them more male-looking, while fitting the more slender female form. This makes the armor look more practical looking and reduces frostbite.

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