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Mods you hope for?


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Just a few things I'd like to see over the next months/year:


Complete UI Overhaul:

Much like the MockUp that was posted on the Beth-Forums


Hardcore Mode / Realism Mode:

Adding the need to Sleep/Drink/Eat (Food/Potions are healing over time instead of instant...)

Being able to make camp (Needs a Cooking Pot, Leather to sleep on and Firewood which gets used up per camp)

Disabled Fast-Travel

Weather conditions are affecting you

Weapon/Armor durability and repair system (Upgrading reworked)

Slowed down leveling progress (Properly) (Crafting/Sneaking/Lockpicking doesn't give you XP/Levels you up)

Dragons reworked (Rarer and way stronger, also reduced amount of Scales/Bones a Dragon drops and Dragon Armors should be way better than Daedric ones. Also, Dragon Armors should need way more Bones/Scales to make. Making them something special and to work for.)

Overhaul and fixing of Unique Items and how they adjust to your level (Like Daedric Quests rewards etc. just making them worth something like Dragon Armors as mentioned above)


Little things:

More storage in player houses

More boni if you're married



What do you guys and girls want to see?

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-Perks, lots of perks... I crave more variety and specialization...

-I want my acrobatics/athletics/mysticism and stats back if possible.

-Spears...because spears...



The coolest thing to see would be more creatures/enemies that take advantage of the scripting system they used for dragons, or at least more and different types of dragons.

How cool would it be to fight a giant scripted mudcrab or something? At least twice as cool as any regular giant mudcrab obviously.

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I hope to see all these mod requests moved to the forum where mod requests are supposed to go :blink: ...though they are good suggestions. :P


Well, this here is not really a request. More like a discussion/listing (of several mods) of what people hope to see. Could be added later in the Request section when it filled up.

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Mods adding items, but not weapons or armor, I mean misc items. Like calipers, compasses, hourglasses, boxes and stuff. Skyrim needs more clutter. Edited by Werne
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I am not crazy, I just have an unchained sense of humor.


Faster horsies-perma gallop PLEASE. This fat brute is much slower than I am on foot, please make that diferent.


More interesting lookin horsies-I don't want to have to join the dark brotherhood to have the only cool horse in Tamriel.


Horse Armour-DUH! the most hilariously controversial DLC for Oblivion, but one I badly want it here in mod form. My stupid horsie keeps dying in fights, and riding a zombie horsie isn't as comfortable.


A rideable dragon.


Some extra gear slots, noteably a cape second ring and some "trinket" slots that hopefully display on your belt/shoulders.


Some interesting ultra-high level rewards. Level fifty characters are gods among men, so they should be able to "move on up"(or down) and gain daedric or celestial powers, like wings and so forth.


End serious hopes.


Rename Alduin "Puff the murdery Dragon"


Recolour all Dragons bright purple with green tummies.


Make all dragons more... homicidal. Make them attack towns and people with reckless abandon befitting a true psycho of the skies.


Rename all dragons "Barnie"


Make them sing a happy song about bloodshed and murder while they attack.


Make their fire breath rainbow coloured.


Make their blood rainbow coloured.


The result of those together would break all immersion, but would leave me atleast in stitches on the floor, watching Skyrim burn at the talons of happy singing magic dragons with rainbows(of death) for breath.

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I want more perks, more skills if possible, more spells, more weapons


Spears, Crossbows, Bastard Swords "hand and a half so they could be switched between one or two hands slower than a normal 1 hander and less dmg than a regular 2 hander"

Tower Shields

More Plate


And some badass quest mods, that are more like an expansion than a mod.

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