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Boycott Beth.net


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Its pretty simple Mitigate,if paid mods are introduced by betheseda and you are so against them,just don't pay for them.

I personally will not pay for any mods as there are no guarantees that they will work under any set up and I don't want spend my time chasing refunds.I enjoy betheseda games to a degree but they arent that important to me.

If the mod authors prefer the paid for system,well so be it,its just the way the gaming industry has gone over the years.

But ultimately the choice is your own.But at the minute none of that exists so its all just hyperthetical and all ive seen at the minute is betheseda try bring mods to consoles which isn't a bad thing and other than some mod theft,which can happen no matter the platforms or the sites,it has had very little impact on the nexus at all.

Trying to bring mods to other platforms is no threat to pc users and at the minute the paid for mods are just smoke and dust.

I see no point in boycotting beth.net even if its implementation has been nothing short of a bad joke.Hopefully they will learn and having another decent site to browse for mods cant be a bad thing

Of course. I agree. However I feel games like Skyrim are worth 15+ pages of this to try and help keep them as they have been until capitalism shoves it's fingers where it shouldn't in the name of whatever Bethesda's PR bullshit claims and wrecks something that isn't in need of any interference.

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Well so far I've been labelled a troll, a jackass, jet addicted, jealous and just plain ignorant. Disagreement is one thing. I feel I have to defend my position from obvious slander. This is typical internet tactics. The one who is disagreed with by the majority gets bullied into silence or giving up, leaving the majority to reason that they have the superior position and have 'won' the debate.


I absolutely agree that you shouldn't be insulted as part of the discussion.


However when your reaction to others feeling insulted is to completely disregard their opinion and blame their interpretation rather than accepting any responsibility for causing them offense, it becomes difficult to condemn others for insulting you. They could as easily present some defense as to why their insults were appropriate. The degree to which you choose to uphold a civil conversation will influence how people talking to you is interpreted.


Also in the hopes of lightening the mood.



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Then you must be guilty of calling me a 'jet addicted, jackass troll'? If so, you cannot exactly judge. Nevertheless, I still maintain I am not hurling insults at anyone.

The difference between yourself and me is that I never denied insulting you, but you brought it to this level well before anyone else in the thread by labeling anyone who uses Bethesda.net as a sellout. Present tense. Not this walk-back you're trying to do now about how we MIGHT be if paid mods return.


You are already getting paid for your mods on the Nexus. Even for patches. You get paid via donations. You will never be able to make a career selling mods... You're caught up in a dream if that's what you think.

Funny, I don't see any paychecks coming my way with Robin's name on them as my boss or Nexus on there as the company I work for.


And I'll have you know that having already participated in paid modding once before tells me I could very easily have made a "career" out of it if the money I made in 3 short days was any indication. That 3 days was already many orders of magnitude more money than had ever come in in the YEARS on Nexus getting donations before that.


It's not us who are delusional or caught up in a dream. It's you. Lecat seems to have you pegged at this point. Green with envy. Nothing more. You have offered nothing substantive to the discussion during the whole thread other than to repeatedly call people sellouts for putting their work up on Bethesda.net.


So if any shots have been fired, they were fired from his foxhole. I am above that kind of behaviour.

That was return fire. Not the opening salvo. You definitely are not above the behavior, but I figured it was the only thing you understood given your tone throughout this whole thread.




And in Arthmoor's case, where he uses his time and effort to fix the mess Bethesda left us all with in Skyrim? Bethesda should get a majority for that?

And again, I'm going to call you out here. If you knew anything about me AT ALL you wouldn't even need to be asking this question. So I don't think you know diddly squat about this community at all, which is why people are calling you ignorant.


You can feel free to scroll back and check but I said anyone who went exclusively beth.net when paid mods return would be a sellout. If you misunderstood, that's your issue. Your 'return fire' was actually the first strike. I haven't even picked up my rifle...


You are agreeing with lelcat? If I was so jealous, wouldn't I just make my own mods and welcome paid modding? Your reasoning doesn't add up Arthmoor. I assumed you would be smarter than that.


I assume though that you do not intend to sell your patches? Well, you aren't completely lost then. Do you intend to remain on the Nexus though?

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Mitigate having mods isn't a right its a priveledge.If you don't like the direction the system takes its just too bad.You either decide to go with the flow or just move along.

Ive been playing computer games for nearly 40 years and seen many things I don't like,i either accept them or just move along.

Big companies care about nothing but money and little can be done to stop them and they are the ones producing the games so if you really don't like it that much just move along

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Well so far I've been labelled a troll, a jackass, jet addicted, jealous and just plain ignorant. Disagreement is one thing. I feel I have to defend my position from obvious slander. This is typical internet tactics. The one who is disagreed with by the majority gets bullied into silence or giving up, leaving the majority to reason that they have the superior position and have 'won' the debate.


I absolutely agree that you shouldn't be insulted as part of the discussion.


However when your reaction to others feeling insulted is to completely disregard their opinion and blame their interpretation rather than accepting any responsibility for causing them offense, it becomes difficult to condemn others for insulting you. They could as easily present some defense as to why their insults were appropriate. The degree to which you choose to uphold a civil conversation will influence how people talking to you is interpreted.


Also in the hopes of lightening the mood.




Spiderman actually was trying to save the city though.


I'm not interested in making everyone feel good. I'm defending a position, All that matters is what my position entails, not whether everyone is having a good time or reacting negatively to my words. Their reactions are their own responsibility. The mood doesn't need to be lightened, at least as far as I see. I'm not getting heated or offended at all. Why would I? Trying to insult me only makes the person lose credibility.

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And in Arthmoor's case, where he uses his time and effort to fix the mess Bethesda left us all with in Skyrim and whatever other game he has made unofficial patches for in order for them to work correctly? Bethesda should get a majority for that?



I can't speak for Skyrim, as I don't play it. (not into the whole using swords to fight dragons thing...)


Fallout 4 on the other hand was worth well over the $60 I payed for it. Incredible game vanilla and doesn't need any mods to be fun. If someone was trying to sell me a 'fix' for $5 I would simply ignore it and not pay anything.




What is or isn't fair isn't for me to decide, but when it comes to corporations, the rules have been set out long before I was ever born. You are never going to get the lion's share. To fight that would be to fight the very fabric of corporate America and capitalism... And I don't have the energy to fight that.


Is it right? It doesn't matter what I think is right... I am just saying how the world is. You never get 50% of anything you do as long as you are working under someone else's banner.

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Mitigate having mods isn't a right its a priveledge.If you don't like the direction the system takes its just too bad.You either decide to go with the flow or just move along.

Ive been playing computer games for nearly 40 years and seen many things I don't like,i either accept them or just move along.

Big companies care about nothing but money and little can be done to stop them and they are the ones producing the games so if you really don't like it that much just move along

Don't you think just moving along is the reason things keep getting worse?

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And in Arthmoor's case, where he uses his time and effort to fix the mess Bethesda left us all with in Skyrim and whatever other game he has made unofficial patches for in order for them to work correctly? Bethesda should get a majority for that?



I can't speak for Skyrim, as I don't play it. (not into the whole using swords to fight dragons thing...)


Fallout 4 on the other hand was worth well over the $60 I payed for it. Incredible game vanilla and doesn't need any mods to be fun. If someone was trying to sell me a 'fix' for $5 I would simply ignore it and not pay anything.




What is or isn't fair isn't for me to decide, but when it comes to corporations, the rules have been set out long before I was ever born. You are never going to get the lion's share. To fight that would be to fight the very fabric of corporate America and capitalism... And I don't have the energy to fight that.


Is it right? It doesn't matter what I think is right... I am just saying how the world is. You never get 50% of anything you do as long as you are working under someone else's banner.


Which is EXACTLY why you shouldn't be concerned with profit or work under someone else's banner if you don't have to, especially when that banner has not got the best interests of the workers in mind.

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You can defend your position as much as you like Mitigate but the decision isn't yours.The decision lies with the people that create the content.You will just have to be happy deciding what you will do after they decide what they are going to do

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Which is EXACTLY why you shouldn't be concerned with profit or work under someone else's banner, especially when that banner has not got the best interests of the workers in mind.



I've never seen a corporation with the best interests of the workers in mind... I don't think that exists.


We can sit here and talk about magical fairy dust unicorn rainbow land where corporations are kind because their mother's hugged them a lot as a child... But the real world will still be what it is when we get done talking about it.


The person who holds the power gets the lion's share of the profit. I take the 33% my company gives me, cash my paycheck, and go home happy that I have a home to live in. I'm not going to bite that hand that feeds me just because I want more, I am rather happy not being homeless or hungry.

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