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Boycott Beth.net


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Which is EXACTLY why you shouldn't be concerned with profit or work under someone else's banner, especially when that banner has not got the best interests of the workers in mind.



I've never seen a corporation with the best interests of the workers in mind... I don't think that exists.


We can sit here and talk about magical fairy dust unicorn rainbow land where corporations are kind because their mother's hugged them a lot as a child... But the real world will still be what it is when we get done talking about it.


The person who holds the power gets the lion's share of the profit. I take the 33% my company gives me, cash my paycheck, and go home happy that I have a home to live in. I'm not going to bite that hand that feeds me just because I want more, I am rather happy not being homeless or hungry.


Well that is a whole other discussion. One involving the fact that everything you work for was once free until it was claimed and sold to the highest bidder... Now you need to break your back just to have somewhere to sleep at night. Insanity...

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I'm not interested in making everyone feel good. I'm defending a position, All that matters is what my position entails, not whether everyone is having a good time or reacting negatively to my words. Their reactions are their own responsibility.


This is why you're failing at persuading people. If you want to state a position write a pamphlet or a poster. If you want to discuss with others, it's going to be an interaction and you'll have to consider their reactions just as much as your own opinions. However, you have more than enough people to respond to in this thread, so I'm going to head off.


Good luck, and I do hope for your own sake that you take some consideration for your own emotional wellbeing as well. Taking a break from a thread doesn't mean admitting defeat, and I think you'll benefit from trusting the audience to understand your position without simply being swayed by what they see as the majority stance. As much as I'm defending the feelings of others here, that doesn't mean you should sacrifice your own either.

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You can defend your position as much as you like Mitigate but the decision isn't yours.The decision lies with the people that create the content.You will just have to be happy deciding what you will do after they decide what they are going to do

It is. I only tried to influence those who hold the power to choose. Instead they seem content with selling out and allowing the current, working system to be damaged.

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Paid modding aside boycotting beth.net is counter productive.How are Betheseda going to see the critism of what they are doing if no one is there

They respond to money. They aren't doing this out of the concern for the gaming community... If that were the case why would they jump right in with paid mods like they did? It's a takeover. A clever, subtle takeover. They stated that they were going to withdraw and figure out how to implement their plans without the objection and backlash they received last time... Bethesda.net is their solution.

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Which is EXACTLY why you shouldn't be concerned with profit or work under someone else's banner, especially when that banner has not got the best interests of the workers in mind.



I've never seen a corporation with the best interests of the workers in mind... I don't think that exists.


We can sit here and talk about magical fairy dust unicorn rainbow land where corporations are kind because their mother's hugged them a lot as a child... But the real world will still be what it is when we get done talking about it.


The person who holds the power gets the lion's share of the profit. I take the 33% my company gives me, cash my paycheck, and go home happy that I have a home to live in. I'm not going to bite that hand that feeds me just because I want more, I am rather happy not being homeless or hungry.


Well that is a whole other discussion. One involving the fact that everything you work for was once free until it was claimed and sold to the highest bidder... Now you need to break your back just to have somewhere to sleep at night. Insanity...



And like I said, I don't have the energy to fight Corporate America or the capitalist system.


But in the context of the real world, if Bethesda offered modders anywhere between 20%-30% of the earnings that would be a good deal. Especially for doing something that is pretty much a hobby.


Personally, I would keep my mod free though, because I want as many people to play it as possible. I want the people of the Nexus to play it, I want the people unfairly banned by Nexus moderators who were in a bad mood to play it, I want the people who play on Xbox to play it, and I want the people who don't have money to spend on mods to play it.


I am pro-Nexus and pro-Bethesda.net...


I am just pro-making cool mods.

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I'm not interested in making everyone feel good. I'm defending a position, All that matters is what my position entails, not whether everyone is having a good time or reacting negatively to my words. Their reactions are their own responsibility.


This is why you're failing at persuading people. If you want to state a position write a pamphlet or a poster. If you want to discuss with others, it's going to be an interaction and you'll have to consider their reactions just as much as your own opinions. However, you have more than enough people to respond to in this thread, so I'm going to head off.


Good luck, and I do hope for your own sake that you take some consideration for your own emotional wellbeing as well. Taking a break from a thread doesn't mean admitting defeat, and I think you'll benefit from trusting the audience to understand your position without simply being swayed by what they see as the majority stance. As much as I'm defending the feelings of others here, that doesn't mean you should sacrifice your own either.


Ta mate, have a good one.

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Your arguement is all speculation,nothing that you have stated will happen has come to fruition.

Whos to say beth.net will not improve the modding scene in the long term

Oh, come on! You surely know how the world works now! Everything has an agenda. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's hidden, but it's always there.

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Which is EXACTLY why you shouldn't be concerned with profit or work under someone else's banner, especially when that banner has not got the best interests of the workers in mind.



I've never seen a corporation with the best interests of the workers in mind... I don't think that exists.


We can sit here and talk about magical fairy dust unicorn rainbow land where corporations are kind because their mother's hugged them a lot as a child... But the real world will still be what it is when we get done talking about it.


The person who holds the power gets the lion's share of the profit. I take the 33% my company gives me, cash my paycheck, and go home happy that I have a home to live in. I'm not going to bite that hand that feeds me just because I want more, I am rather happy not being homeless or hungry.


Well that is a whole other discussion. One involving the fact that everything you work for was once free until it was claimed and sold to the highest bidder... Now you need to break your back just to have somewhere to sleep at night. Insanity...



And like I said, I don't have the energy to fight Corporate America or the capitalist system.


But in the context of the real world, if Bethesda offered modders anywhere between 20%-30% of the earnings that would be a good deal. Especially for doing something that is pretty much a hobby.


Personally, I would keep my mod free though, because I want as many people to play it as possible. I want the people of the Nexus to play it, I want the people unfairly banned by Nexus moderators who were in a bad mood to play it, I want the people who play on Xbox to play it, and I want the people who don't have money to spend on mods to play it.


I am pro-Nexus and pro-Bethesda.net...


I am just pro-making cool mods.


But just like the place where you rest your head at night, it didn't NEED to become a commodity... People let that happen. The same is happening to modding now.

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