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So, back in 2006 or so, i pieced together my own pc, and played oblivion at (what i remember to be) average settings and at an average framerate.


now, years later, i still have that same pc i built, somewhat neglected by my international travel.


But when i come back home for Christmas, i hope to play some more again,

and am hoping to be able to play it on max settings.


i have a little bit of cash to spend, but not much; i'd like to simply upgrade my graphics card, but i suppose i might need to do more to ensure compatibility.


Here's the relevant info:


GPU: GeForce 7600GT 256MB 128-bit

Proc: AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Venice 2.4GHz

MoBo: NVIDIA GeForce 6100 Micro ATX AMD

Power: 400W Power Supply

Ram: 1 GB


What is the best ratio of performance to cost?

also, simply for the sake of performance for Oblivion.


please and thank you!

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Here's a quote from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide

Oblivion is a CPU-intensive game. There is a great deal of complex physics, quest states, weather states, and artifical intelligence data for example which is being crunched by your CPU at all times, much of which cannot be scaled back. As such, many systems are currently limited in performance by their CPU - i.e. even with a high-end graphics card, you may be experiencing reduced performance because your graphics card ultimately has to wait for information from the CPU.

I run an older Intel 3 GHz CPU with 1 GB of ram and Geforce 8800GTS, but don't have all settings maxed so that I don't get slow downs when there are a lot of NPCs (i.e. Market District in the IC).

Edited by Striker879
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GPU: GeForce 7600GT 256MB 128-bit

Proc: AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Venice 2.4GHz

MoBo: NVIDIA GeForce 6100 Micro ATX AMD

Power: 400W Power Supply

Ram: 1 GB

if you wanna go cheep


start with the critical


1GB of ram is gonna tie up your operating system

so get another GB for first critical - try for 4gb total (costs less than 3GB in most cases) for better performance


then upgrade the video card - making sure you have enough power for that new card or you will need to upgrade the Power Supply as well {added $} - again almost any current video card that will fit in your case will beat the 7600 - just make certain


anything more and it probably would cost less to get a new system - focus on the video card for your new system as almost any new computer will have the guts to ace this game.


Heck even a Walmart black friday computer from 2009 will ace this game when you update the video card.

Edited by Fonger
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