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Very minor...


Isn't DarNified UI compatible with iHUD and aHUD?

iHUD appears to be working, but it only toggles my AP and HP bars. Darn UI stays put. You can see this in my screenshots I just hadn't noticed until now. I checked load order, DarnUI doesn't have an ESM. it's just an ESP by its self. aHUD and iHUD *are* ESMs, though, which means they are loading first. Then DarN UI's ESP runs after them (probably overwritting stuff?)

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sorry, I'm not a ui person, I just used data from the games own menus.


but i do know there is a all in one installer that automates all of those UI's as if just 1


just can't remember what it's name is. The author is i believe is Gopher

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I know there is User Interface Organizer but that was made by jazzisparis. So idk *shrugs*

What I do know? The game has been running now for several hours and has not crashed. Frame rates are acceptable and the game looks good. Even if I jinxed it by saying that and it crashes right now, that's working as far as I'm concerned.











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I really can't help but wonder about what people think when they come across this thread.

I've been following the thread with great interest, though in truth there's not much else happening of the forum these days.


I usually steer clear of major texture replacers but I must say your modded game does look amazing.

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I've been following the thread with great interest, though in truth there's not much else happening of the forum these days.


That explains the view count lol. :P





I usually steer clear of major texture replacers but I must say your modded game does look amazing.


This is a popular decision and a wise one. I got rid of most of the texture-related mods because they are just excessive and demand too much out the system for what they are. (and load order)

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You know, blackrat's post had me thinking...

I would like to continue sharing my playthrough. I rather enjoy showing you guys all the wonderful things I'm seeing in the game. It also adds a special challenge to my play-through to hunt down and capture screenshots deliberately to share.

Should I just keep posting things here? I mean...this thread is sort of...done. We've succeeded, I mean...I'm playing the game. And Kitty and I aren't posting in here every 5 minutes anymore. And to just keep posting screenshots would be off-topic...right?

I'm thinking about starting a whole new thread just for screenshots of this project.

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There is a special place on the Nexus for sharing in game images. It is the general image share and is located on every page in the mods section. The one for Fallout 3 is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/images/add/?


You just place your cursor over the "IMAGES" button at the top of the page and in the dropdown menu, choose "Add an Image".


Follow the instructions on the page that appears. Pay particular attention to the posting rules. Nudity is not allowed in the general image share and the image will be removed.

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While I appreciate the help, that's not really what I had in mind. The images are a bit more than just "I took a screenshot and it's nice. look at it" Each of them is a testament to successful progress. It's paramount that they remain in chronological order and together. If my only option is to treat them all individually with their own titles, captions, descriptions, categories, settings, terms of use, comments and ratings then I just won't bother.

I would happily do both, start a thread with the images in it like I've started to do here. But ALSO upload the images in the image database so they can be viewed and commented on.

Because the whole point of this wasn't JUST to share images. I kinda wanted to start a thread to just hang out in and talk about my game as I go through it. That would be extremely difficult to do through the comments section in the images database.

Edited by ZpIIlz
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There don't seem to be (m)any threads like that. Probably there were plenty when the game was young. These days everyone seems to do a Let's Play on YouTube. We used to call them something else but you know I can't remember what that was :ermm:. But I don't see why you can't start a thread in https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/279-fallout-3-discussion/ or even https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/287-fallout-3-mod-talk/ since you'll be showing/talking about things added by mods.


But I don't know if threads like that are discouraged (I can't see why they would be).

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