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The Adventures of Skyrim


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OOC: Internet sucking= Annoying loading times


IC: Kristoph looked at the sky, annoyed. If it wasn't for the fact that his destination would be rewarding, he would've just stopped and slept till morning. Too his surprise, however, a camp distantly hit the hill he was on. Going there would be a huge risk, crime lords like him are recognized amongst many, and they always carry valuables. Then again, a simple bandit camp would be nothing to the rogue. That is, if it were a bandit camp. He began walking down the hill, curious as to what was inside of the camp. Staying in the shadows, and gripping a bottle of poison, he overlooked the area. To small to be a bandit camp, or a legion camp. Probably not worth the time either. However, smuggling camps were always the size of this camp, which would be good for his reputation to whipe out, and rewarding. Very rewarding. He sat by though, waiting to see if anyone would show their face.

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Nephenee popped outside of the camp with an old iron axe she found laying in the charred remains of one of the tents.

She looked up at the trees looking for a respectable branch to replace the tent spar.

She soon found a decently sized branch laying on the ground.

As she reached for the branch, she noticed a man in the shadow of a tree surveying the camp only a dozen feet away from her.

Unsheathing her sword, she approached the man.

"Who's there? Show yourself."

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Kristoph gripped his bow. Not a bandit. He knew that one right off the bat. He thought about tossing the poison and fleeing, but maybe if he could negotiate with them, he could walk away wihout the risk of killing himself. He stepped out from the shadows, letting go of the bow. However, he kept a very tight grip on the poision.


"If you don't recognize my face, you don't pay attention to current events," he said. He quickly thought about what he just said. Not smart. At all. He kept a good eye out for anything. As soon as he saw an attack from anywhere, it would be time to make a quick break. Though smoke would help more than a poison gas that he had used before and almost got himself killed, he wouldn't be able to change his mind about that now. So this is yet another time where he wished he could go back in time to redo this whole mess and completly avoid the camp.

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Nephenee loosened her grip. "Oh? You're not Thalmor."

While the man wasn't Thalmor, he was still downright suspicious. What was a Dark Elf doing out here? And that comment sounded almost incriminating.

She eyed the man carefully as she articulated her question.

"What is your business here? You're evidently not from the camp."

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Kristoph kept hearing a voice in his head telling him just to throw the bottle, but he didn't. First time ever he stumbled across someone in the wilderness who didn't want to give his head to bounty hunters.


"My buisness is private, my contacts pay good coin to keep they're names hidden," he said. "But I can say this: I'm a crimelord, and proud of it. I only steal and kill if someone is doing something wrong. I'm not pointless when it comes to this. My name is Kristoph. Now, if you're a bounty hunter, remember this: I've never been captured and I never will be. I've got the Theive's guild at my back and the Dark Brotherhood #1 on my contacts." he finished.


OOC: Sorry for late post. I'm getting my roomate out of jail right now.

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Nephenee stared at Kristoph with a surprised look on her face. "That's the first time I've seen a criminal announce themselves. And no, I am no bounty hunter. Do I look like one?"

She ruffled her robes to put emphasis on the sentence.

"I am a merchant, so I won't condone your actions, but I advise you to stay away from this camp... Er, whatever remains of it."

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OOC: Back for good until I call it a night. My roomate... let's just say he'll be alright.


Kristoph looked around, sliding the bottle back into his satchel.


"What exactly happened here?" he asked, curious on the situation. Some gold chimed as he closed the satchel, just extra gold in case of emergency. He forgot about what he had to do, so the contact he had to meet would probably get very angry. But as experienced as Kristoph was, he wouldn't worry anyway.

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"I don't know. I just got here myself," replied Nephenee as she slid her sword back into its sheath.

"It was mentioned that somebody razed this place to the ground. This place was home to a Legion army not too long ago, but that's all I know."

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Kristoph immediatly remembered what he was suppossed to be doing, however he was tired, and would probably end up killing the contact for framing Kristoph for more crimes, or trying to turn him in. Always happens with these new guys.


"As if I'll leave. I'm tired and anywhere except here would probably be an ambush just waiting for a high priced criminal like me to set up shop in. This world's crazy," he said. At least, he was raised that way. Raised to think that the only way to get by was to break the law and deal in murder. And Kristoph was a natural at it, gifted in anything to do with it. He had a contact very close to the seat of power in the Empire, however, it was dropped when the Thalmor began to question the authority of crime lords. Not hard to do what he does. Just have to know the right people and be in the right place at all times.

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"This is still a Legion camp even if the army was incinerated," Nephenee protested.

"You'll be tired, sit down and sleep, and wake up the next morning in chains. Look, there's a legionnaire right there... Oh."

She pointed at a tired soldier that had come to the edge of the camp to take a lovely midday piss.

"You get my point."

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