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The Adventures of Skyrim


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OOC: Dropped out suddenly last night. Sorry, dozed off and fell asleep.


IC: Kristoph jumped over the fence again, looking around, seeing the area was empty. For now. He looked over at the main door to the ambassodor's quaters. It was covered by a stone arch, with a window above it. A passage to Kristoph. He could use it to climb to the roof, jump to a fence, and jump down to flee the area, but leaving behind the dead leader. He ran quickly to the door, seeing it was locked up tight. He heard voices behind him as he slid a lockpick from his satchel. He quickly picked the lock, and opened the door, allowing entry. He shut the door behind him, and quietly ran up the stairs. He heard someone walking at the top, another wizard at the most. Kristoph perched himself by the door to a bedroom, where it opened and Kristoph quickly slit the throat of the wizard. He got a look at the surroundings, knowing the unfamilier territory. Several doors, one window, and a wooden door, probably to an office. He hopped down the stairs, ad opened the door, completly unlocked. Inside was a wizard, hooded, and he was going through papers, with a book right by him. Kristoph stood in th shadows, watching the wizard unhood himself. A bosmer. What was he doing in the thalmor embassy? The bosmer picked up a peice of paper, and Kristoph heard the word "perfect." Kristoph stepped out of the shadows.


"You, who are you?" he asked. The bosmer shot his eyes up, and a fireball flared from both his hands.


"I could ask you the same," he replied. Kristoph looked back, hearing the main metal door open. He unsheathed his bow, as two thalmor walked in. One was clearly the ambassodor. One of the two must've noticed Kristoph.


"There! That's him! It has to be!" the guard shouted. Kristoph let loose an arrow that hit the thalmor guard. It hit him in the stomach, but didn't kill, and the arrow wasn't poisoned either. Great, now the whole embassy would be here soon.


OOC: And now I have a problem I need to look foward too. Give me a sec. -_-

Edited by SubjectProphet
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Eloise got of her horse and looked at riften, "Makeshift toliets which homeless use smell better than this," She said as she walked to the gate.


"40 gold entrance fee," a guard said as he saw the two women.

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The Thalmor guard fell to the ground, not dead, but was going to be if he kept loosing blood. Kristoph had to kill the ambassodor fast, or she'd get away.


"Stop, now!" the bosmer shouted. He grabbed the bow from Kristoph's hands, and the rogue pulled his dagger out and slit the wood elf's throat. He took his bow back and put an arrow in the leg of the ambassodor. Terrible accurecy, but at least she couldn't move now. He readied another arrow as 5 more guards in full elven armour rushed in. Great.


"Put the bow down and we might let you walk out of here alive," a guard said. Thalmor taking mercy. Didn't seem real. So Kristoph pulled a last decision thing. He pulled a poison out of his satchel. Doors were closed, nothing open, meaning no fesh air. But the thing was, he was inside as well. But the risk would be worth it. He dropped the bottle, and it broke with a huge clanking noise, and let a fireball hit it. The smoke took Kristoph's breath from him as soon as it emitted, as he scrambled for safety. His vision was blurred, his nose stund, and he could barely breathe. He managed to find the main door as he opened it and used his remaining energy to climb a wall and run from the embassy. Even if the ambassodor wasn't dead, the embassy took one heck of a blow.


Kristoph disappeared into the bliizard raging in the mountains. He began to stuggle in breathing as the poison attacked his lungs. He collapsed on the ground, barely able to move, or basicly do anything. He coughed several times before passing out in the middle of nowhere. Either the poison killed him first, or the cold would slow his heart and allow time for his body to kick the poision out.

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"Ok you can go in," The guard said as he opened the gate


"Nice one, now time track assassins down," Eloise said as she entered the city.

Edited by Meciathe
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