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The Adventures of Skyrim


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OOC: Long story on where I went. I actually got lost, so please don't ask where I was.


Well, actually, somehow I ended up in Dayton. I was quite confused. I wish they never let us off campus.




Kristoph and Alena were now in Winterhold. The city was quite small, and it used to be captial of Skyrim. The college was believed to be behind the great collapse, though they reject it.


"So, this is it. I was expecting it to be... larger," Kristoph said. He had never been to Winterhold, despite him growing up mainly in Skyrim.


"Burns usually is in the tavern, drinking himself to death," Alena said.


"Let's just hope he didn't get to death yet," Kristoph said. They wandered into the tavern, where several people sat around the fire. One got up, and walked over.


"Alena? I thought you went back to Solitude. No doubt you're here for someone? Or are you back to stay?" the man said. Kristoph let Alena reply to that.


"I need Burns. Where is he?" Alena asked.


"Really now? Well, that's bad."


"Why? What happened?" Alena asked.


"Burns got into some trouble one night. When he was arrested, he resisted, and the guards ended up killing him." Alena sighed.


"He knew something we needed. Any chance we could search his room?" Kristoph asked.


"Sure, go right ahead. He kept the same room." Alena led Kristoph to the room farthest to the right. Inside was a bunch of books, papers, quils, and ink. The pillows and blankets that were suppossed to be on the bed were everywhere on the floor, and the paint on the walls was scratched off. In a terrible manner.


"Another thing I hated about him. He was lazy," Alena joked, looking through the bed. "He kept a journal close at hand, but never left with it. He kept it near his bed, sometimes under." She eventually pulled a book out, and tossed it to Kristoph. He opened the book, and began to read through it.

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In actuality, Nephenee didn't buy up the merchant's entire stock.

She bought sixty-thousand septim's worth of cut diamonds, about five pounds, and the rest in sapphires.


"So what's the deal?" said Benjamin, as Nephenee and Mark returned from the market. "It's not like you to be buying so quickly when you get the money, even if it's an investment."

"Mm, I suppose I'll have to tell you guys," she responded, as she threw the leather pouches of gems into the house's safe.

"Do you know Lord Guy?"

"Lord Guy? He's one of the more powerful lords around Markarth," responded Benjamin, scratching his chin.

"Exactly. And do you know the Piaster G&G Company in Markarth?" continued Nephenee, examining a loose gem.

"No, I haven't heard of it."

She rolled the gem onto the table. "The full, registered name with the empire is the Luke Piaster Gold & Gem Company. As the name implies, they trade in precious commodities."

"You can easily make the connection that Lord Guy is backing this company. Now, here's the interesting part. The Piaster company's master, Luke Piaster, died last year after a bad fever. His estate, including his company, is now his son's. But, he's only fourteen."

"Go on," said Benjamin. Barrius and Reiko were also listening intently.

"Of course, the executives are running the company now, and they're not sitting back. From what I've heard, Lord Guy is backing them with a lot of money. I mean, in the tens of millions of septims worth. What do you think they're doing?"

"They're obviously raising capital to buy gems," said Barrius.

"Exactly. And, they're buying enough to make the actual market for gems increase. I don't know if it's their intent or not, but there's a bubble in the precious gems market now. Since we're still at the beginning of it --Though there is still risk-- we can stand to make triple, no, six times the profit if we sell at the right time, in Markarth."

Benjamin whistled.

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Name: Will

Age: 20

Race: Imperial


Proffesion: Will have been working as a theif in the imperial city since he was a kid mostly with hes freind garret



Will is wearing the theifs guild armor from cyrodil and is in possion of a magical hood that lets him detect living things



Will prefers to solve thigs without violence but if he have to use violence he prefers using an elven bow he once found in a noblemans house or hes two glass daggers he stole on a trip to morrowind




Will was sitting in a corner of the hideout when he heard someone get in trough the door. He quickly picked his bow from the table, took an arrow from the quiver on his back and pointed it in the direction of the door. But when he saw who it was he put the bow and arrow back.

"Welcome back Garret." Will said.

He smiled Garret was his best friend and they had been working together as thieves since they was small.

Garret was 24 years old, just a few years older than Will. He was tall and build like an athlete. and he loved teasing Will about his small height and his weak looking build.

Will was 20 years old not much higher than a 13 year old and looked like he had the muscles of one too.

"How did the break-in go?" Will said.

"What break in" Garret said

"Wasn't you going to break into the mansion up in the other district?" Will said.

"No I was out gathering some information and I've come up with the best plan this year." Garret Said.

"Not another one of your crazy plans Garret" Will said.

"This one is perfect! It just can't go wrong" Garret said.

"Okay what is it?" Will sighed.

"We are going to break into the palace!" Garret said excitingly

"What? I thought u said this one was perfect!" Will yelled

"Here's the plan." garret said

"at 2am. Tomorrow morning the big window on the west side of the second floor can't be seen from any of the guard's patrols so that where well strike" While talking Garret pulled up a map of the palace grounds

"We can climb the walls here 30 minutes before the window is unguarded and hide while the patrol on the wall passes by and then we throw a hook over here." He drew a line from the wall to the western window on the map with his finger. "And then you get it open with some picks and were in."

Will thought about it for a few seconds then said. "This one might actually work Garret, good job."

Garret smiled most of his plans went terribly wrong but he knew that this one would be the one that'll make them rich.

"Okay we we'll do it tomorrow morning." Said Garret.

Will and Garret went to bed, it was already evening. And they would need all the energy they could get for the break-in the day after.

When the sun arose Will and Garret was already ready by the palace walls, waiting for the moment the guards wouldn't be on that part of the wall. when they saw the last of the guards turn a corner they threw a grabbling hook. it landed perfectly between to rocks in the wall, and as they climbed up the wall they made sure to make themselves as hard to see and hear as possible. Being seen or not being seen right now was like the difference between being killed and not being killed. when they got on top of the wall they pulled the grabbling hook up and hid in some crates on wall. The moment when they should go for the window wouldn't be there until a few hours later so they just hid. And waited and after a few hours and a lot of times where they were almost seen. And when the right time came they quickly threw the grabbling hook at the window. It took a-hold of some cracks beneath the window so they would have to crawl the last meter to the window. but that wasn't anything they hadn't done before they quickly swung over the palace yard with the grabbling hook line and hit the wall with a small thump and they looked around to see if the noise had attracted any guards, but it seemed luck was with them. They crawled up to the window and Will pulled out his lock picks. The lock was quite complex but nothing Will couldn't handle he got the lock open, pulled op the grabbling hook and went inside




sorry i didnt finish it but im a bit tired and will make a follow up tommorow




When they got in they closed the window so that the guards wouldn't get suspicious by the open window. They looked around the room they were in it looked like the room of a painter. they snuck out in the corridor and went up some stairs. When they got up they saw two of the palace guards approach them they where wearing a white steel armor embedded with a dragon. Garret and Will hurried to get behind two pedestals and when the guards came past them they snuck further in. Then they came to some ladders seemingly to an attic and they decided that that would be a good place to look for something of value. they searched the attic for about half an hour and found nothing. But then behind some crated Will saw a small stand were a single ring was laying he called Garret over.

"Look at this Garret." Will said.

"It doesn't look like it worth much." Garret said.

"It's on a pedestal in the palace I'm pretty sure it's worth a small fortune for us normal people." Will said.

"Well u might be right, I'm going over here to look a bit." Garret said.

After a few seconds Will heard a big bang and a crash. Garret had walked into a pile of wooden boxes. They fell all over the floor making a terrible mess and an even worse noise. And the two could quickly hear the sound of guards approaching.

"U complete and utter fool!" Will yelled at Garret.

"sorry Will" Garret said looking at the floor

"ok for now let's just get out of here before the guards come or we'll be spending the next four hundred years in prison." Will said

The two looked around the huge room for a way out but the only way they found was a window with a drop of several hundred foot.

"okay here's what we'll do first we have to tighten the rope up here and then we'll crawl down the rope as far as it'll take us and then hope the stones is enough apart that we'll be able to crawl on them." Will said

Garret took the rope and bound it around a pole holding the roof and made sure it was tightened properly. meanwhile Will prepared to crawl down. He then heard the guards get up the stairs.

"We have to go NOW!" Will shouted.

He ran for the rope and swung down gripping the rope. And while in the air he saw Garret on the way to the rope and then a guard getting up from behind a box with a crossbow. Shooting Garret in the back.

"Garret!" Will shouted tears forming in his eyes.

Garret moved his hand out to Will. feeling death getting its grip in him he closed his eyes and accepted it. Will moved down the rope as fast as he could but after a few seconds the guard leaned out the window with his crossbow and shot at Will. His instincts taking over Will moved out of the way off the arrow by jumping away from the tower. He was about to drop the ring so he put it on. as soon as he did this he simply stopped in the air. he then quickly realized that he had full control of his movements and that he could fly.

"It must be the ring" Will thought to him self





I finaly got time to do the follow-up :D

sorry that it got that short :hurr:

Edited by mikaelarp
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eloise held her now bulged out chest,"I'm pregnant and I think I'm about to give birth," James held her and helped her ly down,"i gave her a potion which would test if she was and it had a bad side afect, It speeded up the process," he said as he got some water.
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"We need a docter first he said as she grabbed Selene and eloise and teleported to a hostpital. He lay Eloise on a bed and got a docter. He came back and looked at Selene,"She wanted you her to be at the birth, but you can go if you want," James said as he looked at Selene,"I think she would be happier if her best friend was here though."
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OOC: I MIGHT be leaving tomorrow. My parents want me to drive to Toledo to spend the weekend with them. Either way, this dorm will be empty for the weekend. If I head to my parent's house, I won't be on, but if I go with my roomate to his Aunt and Uncle's, yeah, I'll drag my laptop with me and I'll be on.


One sec, btw.

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